Chapter 7

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"I'm hoping you've all started your songs," Mrs Mour clarified, "If you haven't, I suggest you get a move on. You've only got a few weeks, remember" She muttered, "But as for now, I have a game I want you to play against your partners," she stated. I looked over to Luke, who was in his new spot, and let my eyes rake over him again. His eyes were hard on Ms Mours face, but from what I can see from the side he changed his stud to a ring, and his hair wasn't as spiked up as it usually is.

"How does it work?" The girl sitting at the front asked. I've grown to know her as Lucy. She's a nosy person, likes to let the curiosity get to her head, a lot. She reminds me of myself, really.

"Miss Morris, if you would stop butting in that would be greatly appreciated" Ms Mour sighed. A low chuckle erupted throughout the class, but it stopped soon enough when the witch-like teacher glared at us. For Lucy, though, her embarrassment didn't subside as quickly.

"Sorry," She said quietly.

Ms Mour rolled her eyes and let out a sigh as if saying there she goes again but this time she didn't say anything, "The cards I'll be handing out has different french words that are used commonly on the street, along with the English word. For example food and Nourriture. The idea is to play go fish with them, though instead of saying the numbers like on normal cards, you'll say the words," She explained.

"What's the point in that?" Camden asked

"Why?" She repeated, "Because I saw you struggling to ask a question at the office today, Mr Thomas" She spoke, "Students, it's all about getting familiar with the words. How many of you were told that amour meant love in French?" she asked. A few people raised their hands, "You began to get familiar with that term, and eventually it got stuck in your head" She stated, "Same with these words. Now, find your partners while I hand out the cards" She stated, waving her hand in the air.

I looked over to Luke who looked at me, but neither of us moved. He was giving me the kind of well are you gonna come? Look, but I didn't budge. I smirked slightly when he let out an exasperated sigh and got up from his chair, "Let's just play the game and get it over with" He muttered.

"Rude," I said simply, a playful smile on my lips, "You don't know how to treat people nicely do you?"

"Not people like you," He mumbled. I shuffled the cards -Badly I might add- then handed him 5, then myself 5, then put the rest in the middle, "You got a...Pancakes?" He muttered.

"Go fish" I said simply, "Orange?"

He shook his head, "Go fish," He sighed, "Bus?"

"Go fish," I stated, "Give me a month," I spoke up. He slowly took the card in his posession, his eyebrows knotting in confusion as he looked at me

"What?" He asked.

"Give me the rest of the time we have on this assignment to get your trust," I stated.

"You'll never get my trust" He muttered.

"How do you know if you won't let me try?"

"I just know okay?" He stated, "It's your turn" He told me, nodding to the cards.

"Blanket," I mumbled, "Why won't you let me try?"

"Go fish"

"Do you not like me? Do you not like anyone outside of your band? Is that it?"


I handed him the matching card, "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid?" He repeated, letting a small chuckle leave his lips. It was dark and bitter, as if he was daring me to coninue the conversation we were having. He doesn't know me though. If he did, he'd understand that I won't stop until I get exactly what I want. And at the moment thats to know his story. All of it. , "I'm not afraid," 

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