Chapter 2

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Later that same day, Shelbi and I decided to meet up. Apparently she had a few friends she wanted me to meet, and thought i'd get along well with them. I still had to meet my room mate, but by the looks of her side of the room, she was going to be apart of that over-passionate side of the school, and honestly, all I needed right now were people who were...Chill.

I went back to my dorm room, deciding I should probably get ready. The entire day I've just been walking around, getting to know my surroundings. I'm gonna be here for the next four years -Minus the holiday trips back to Australia after almost every term- I might as well try and get used to the idea.

From what I've seen so far, it was pretty easy to get around. After I checked out the school blocks, I went back up to the office, and grabbed a few travel booklets that they gave out for people that were crossing countries -considering we had no cars or anything. Apparently there was a bus that took you to the city and other areas which came around every few hours, but other than that we were smack bang in the middle of everything we needed.

The same lady from earlier had handed me a map of the area we were in, and from what I could tell, there were cafe's and other stores you could go to, to get food and things -And jobs for those who needed them. Also there was a shopping centre a few blocks North from here. Maybe a ten minute walk?

I was excited. No one could wipe the smile off my face, no matter what they told me. I was here, in France, doing something I've wanted to do my entire life. From here, I could get signed. From here, I could get even more noticed and make it into the big world. That's all I want. To play music for those who want to listen.

When I got up to my dorm, I walked in and immediately stopped short as I noticed the dark haired girl sitting in the room. She had a mouldy green coloured dress on that went down to her ankles and her hair looked like it hadn't been cut in while. She had what seemed like a bible in her lap and next to bed were black sandles and a pair of white socks tucked into them.

Oh boy.

"Hey, I'm Bet-"

"Shh!" She hushed, not even opening her eyes. She was clutching the necklace around her neck as if it was her entire life, and her eyes were squeezed shut so tight I thought she was going to fart.

"Uh," I mumbled, "What are you doing?" I asked her.

She sighed in annoyance and looked up at me, her eyes scanning my appearance. A dirty look sat on her face as she looked up at me in judgement, "I'm praying. Maybe you shoud try it some time" She stated.

My mouth formed a small 'o' shape and my eyes rose in surprise. So I'm stuck with a religious freak for the next year? "I pray" I say confidently, "I went to a catholic school back home" I told her. She raised an eyebrow and shook her head.

"If you trully loved god, you wouldn't be wearing that" She stated a matter-of-factly.

"Sorry?" I asked, looking down at my appearance. I was wearing a grey shirt that had wildcats on it, the sleeves folded twice because of the length, and a pair of denim mini shorts. I had a pair of white converse on my feet, and a heap of bracelets on my left wrist that have been there since I was fifteen.

"Look at them shorts" She stated, a thick british accent wafting through her voice, "They're way too short" She told me.

I gave her a confused look and muttered, "Okay" under my breath before walking over to my bed. Shelbi was going to come down and get ready with me, so I just collapsed onto my bed and waited.

The unknown religious girl whispered, "In the name of the father, the son and holy spirit. Amen" then let out a breath of air and shut the book, carefully sitting it on her bedside table incase it'd fall. She had a simple frame with a photo of her and what I'm assuming her parents, which wasn't there before.

"I'm Beth" I tried again.

"I'm Josephine Lannis. From London, United Kingdom" She stated, "I'm assuming you're Australian considering you dress like you're going to the beach, and your blunt accent is obviously from the other side of the world" She stated, "Don't you have any self respect? I mean, I know a lot of Australian girls dress like you, but you don't need to follow in their disappointing ways"

I stared wide eyed at the girl infront of me, a little creeped out at how much she was paying attention to my countries disappointing ways, "Are you calling me a slut?" I asked her. She gasped and glared at me as if I was trying to summon satan, "Jesus" I muttered to myself.

"Don't use Jesus' name in vain!" She hissed. I raised my hands up in defense and let out a sigh. What the hell is her problem? I chuckled slightly at my luck, and picked at the already chipped black nailpolish on my fingers.

"Open up, bitch, It's me, the love of your life" Shelbi hollered as she let herself in. She looked like she had already gotten ready, but I wasn't fazed. All I really needed to do was get changed and then i'd be ready.

"Language" Josephine glared, before patting out her pillow and carefully lying on it, as if it was a sin to crease her sheets.

"What's her problem?" Shelbi asked, pointing her thumb in the direction of the girl across the room. I shrugged and got up, walking over to my wardrobe, "I need your help in choosing what to wear" I stated sheepishly.

She smiled and pulled out my orange dress straight away. It had a diamond shape cut out of the back, and it went about mid thigh, "This," she said immediately, "I'm in love with this. Where did you get it?" She asked, her eyes widening in love.

"A shop in Brisbane," I shrugged, "I'll put it on" I told her, smiling. I waltzed into the bathroom, getting a short scoff before I closed the door.

Only I would get the 40 year old religious women stuck inside a 17 year old girls body as a room mate. Do you think they'd swap? I mean, it'd be cool if Shelbi and I were roomies.

I quickly chucked the dress on and walked back out, twirling as Shelbi wolf whistled, "you look hot" she stated, "let's go. They told us to meet them in the lobby area at 7" she told me. I looked down and noticed it had been 5 minutes past 7. Whoops.

We walked down, and on the way two guys stopped. One had bleached blonde hair, and was wearing simple jeans and a white jumper that looked too big for him. The other one had incredibly dark brown, almost black, hair and was wearing a Nirvana shirt and black skinny jeans. I was about to slide past them, but Shelbi stopped.

"Lookin' good Ritus" The dark haired guy smirked, "Going out tonight?" He asked.

"Now now, Hood. We all know you're just jealous that I do things with my life. Hows your band holding up?" She asked, her eyes scanning this Hood guy before they travelled down his friend, "Still a shit style I see" she pointed out.

He scoffed as his eyes travelled over me, "who's your friend? Finally met someone, I see. Decided to stop being so cooped up in your room all the time, loner?" He stated, "C'mon let's go" he chuckled towards his friend, walking past Shelbi a little too close, just to taunt her.

She let out a frustrated groan before she continued down the stairs, "What was that about?" I asked her.

She sighed and looked at me, "That," She started, "Is Calum Hood. He and I met last year. Complete ass if you ask me. He's always annoying me and calling me a loner, just because I was the girl who got no room mate last year, and I was one of those over passionate people," she sighed, "He's in a pop punk band with these guys"

"Are they cute?" I asked

"I don't know I've only seen Calum and...Mitchel? I forget" She shrugged, "Let's just go meet these people" She stated, laughing slightly. 

We walked the rest of the way down the stairs and noticed a bunch of...Nerds. They all owned a pair of glasses, and all except one of the guys had plaid shirts on.

"Do you know what we're about to walk into?" I asked her quietly.

"So I may have lied," she whispered, "I've never met these people in my life. It's their first year too!" She whisper shouted before we walked up to them, scared yet huge smiles sitting on our faces.

"Uh, hey!" Shelbi said. One of the girls looked at her, pushing the middle of her thick black glasses back to her face before she gave an awkward smile.

"Hey," a guy chuckled. He was the one without a plaid shirt on, but he still owned glasses -Though he kinda rocked them. His hair was shaggy and blonde and he had a bit of a build, "Shelbi and Elizabeth right?" He asked, his green eyes widening in happiness slightly.

"Beth" I corrected quickly. I actually hated the name Elizabeth. My mum only gave it to me because when I was born she was obsessed with a book about vampires and the main characters name was Elizabeth.

Yeah, that's probably where I got the whole 'into books' feature of my personality. Apparently she'd read it aloud every night so I'd be able to hear it.

"So where are we going?" Shelbi asked, chuckling awkwardly, "book club?"

The guy in the plain white shirt looked down at the ground and laughed, "funny," he said sarcastically, "actually we're going to a party" he stated, "just a couple if blocks away at my um...My house. A few of my mates are throwing a party there" he stated. He had an Australian accent, but it worked on him. I wonder which part he was from.

"How many mates?" I asked

He shrugged, "There's about 6 of us" He stated, "It's a huge house that we all pitched into" He stated, "We're all into our second year, so even though we're from different parts of the world, we're all as tight as brothers"

"Like a frat house!" Shelbi spoke up.

"You could say that" He shrugged, "Just a few minor details are missing" He chuckled, "Should me go?" He asked, pointing to the grop that was already walking away from us.

I nodded once, then followed the crowd out of the big glass doors I walked in earlier, "thank god" she muttered, "I thought I would have died if we were going to a Nerd hang out" She laughed.

"I'm Ashton by the way" He smiled as we walked down the steets of France.

"Why were you back there if you live with your mates?" I asked him suddenly. I didn't mean to sound so intrigued, but I honestly was. This is a new experience for me. All I did in Brisbane was sit at home, get straight A's and write some sucky music. My father has always been one for discipline, so if I was ever even asked to a party, I knew it'd be a no from him.

But that never really stopped me from going to them, of course.

"The meet up destination was there remember?" He smirked, "Plus I was already in the building so it didn't bother me"

"So are these other guys actually nerds?" Shelbi asked.

Ashton laughed and shrugged, "Not sure. I mean, they look like it, but then again we're on our way to a party with them, so they mustn't be too nerdy right?" He chuckled, "But I've never spoken to them in my life" 

Eventually we got to the huge house these boys were all supposedly staying at. When we got there, it already looked trashed. There were cups, streamers and a bunch of teenagers lying across the front lawn, but that didn't stop Ashton from leading the way in, kicking a few cups as he walked past them.

"C'mon" He smirked, opening the door, "Welcome to the Saturday night party." I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that, but I walked in anyway and took in my surroundings. To say the house was packed would be an understatement.

There was a pool table in an open room, and about three girls were ontop of it, grinding up against each other. A bunch of guys were around it, cheering and drinking out of red cups.

"This looks a lot like an American party!" I screamed to Ashton over the loud music thudding in my ears.

He shrugged again, "American hosts!" He said simply, before pointing to the kitchen. Shelbi followed me as I walked in the direction Ashton was going. The thudding music was still as loud as before, but at least here it was less packed and there was alcohol to consume.

Ashton passed me an unknown substance, but I didn't hesistate to chuck it down my throat. No more rules. I'm in France now, not in Brisbane, trying for those straight As. I didn't even start classes until Monday, so I had all tomorrow to recover.



I'm so glad you guys like this book so far! :)

Please keep voting and commenting, it means heaps to me! 

I've decided that the girl on the side (Emily Rudd) Is who I picture as Beth. Thanks to bianca5sos for giving me her name! Chapter is dedicated to you for helping me out ;) x 

Chapter number 3 wil be up in a few days :) 

love you guys x

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