Chapter 1

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The first time I got off the plane in France, I was a nervous wreck. It was a new year, It was a new me. It took me a lot of courage to flag down a taxi and give the bright French man directions to my new school.

My new music school.

It was a new year, and the school had sent out many letters to students my age - Seventeen- about the new foreign opportunity. They had somehow heard of me, and I was given the chance to fly from Brisbane Australia, all the way over to France, where I was enrolled into L'École de talent musical which stood for The school of musical talent.

I had to pay for it, of course -The boarding and the classes. But I was accepted into a French school. That's all that mattered. I've been saving up for this moment since I got my first job when I eleven. I couldn't back down from this.

The man was muttering some jibberish in his language, but I couldn't exactly understand him. The actual school was english based, thank god. Don't get me wrong, there probably was a campus set up for those that spoke certain languages, but all I knew at the moment was that the campus I was included in was for those who spoke english.

He suddenly pulled up infront of a huge building, then got out of the car and started pulling out my bags. I sat in the back seat for a little while, gathering my nerves and taking in the site of the beautiful building. It was old fashioned. Somewhat like the school in the first step up movie, though not as big.

"Ms" He bowed, opening the door.

"Oh thank you" I smiled, giving him a small grin. I pulled out the French money I had exchanged in Australia and handed over the correct change. It was a good thing that I did French in year 9 and learned how to count their money.

He nodded at me once before he got back in the car and drove away, leaving me on the street with all my bags. I let out a heavy sigh as I looked down at the two duffel bags and the black guitar case, holding my acoustic guitar.

Slowly I picked them up and made my way to the huge glass doors.

Enrolling English students until the 25th!!

I smiled and blessed the person who put that note on the door, before I pulled open one side and walked in, taking in the buildings insides as I did so. There was a huge floor level, with a huge room that had a sign above saying OFFICE in three different languages. English, French and I'm assuming Italian. Above my head was a massive chandaleer and the roof was a creaming white, but it looked like it was stone. There were huge stairs spiralling up to the next floor, and next to them were big brown doors with glass windows.


I walked over to the desk and smiled brightly at the old lady behind the desk, "Hi, Um I'm Elizabeth Taylor... I enrolled from Australia a couple of days ago" I explained to her.

"Sorry?" She asked in a French accent.

"I'm Elizabeth Taylor," I said slowly, "Australian?" I tried.

Another girl, with blonde hair  -different to my brown hair- and really nice green eyes stood next to me suddenly and ranted in a different language, rolling her eyes and smirking at me. The old lady looked at me wide eyed and nodded in understanding before handing me a timetable and a room number.

"Thank you," I chuckled awkwardly, "Uh I mean..." 

"No problem," She smiled, a thick American accent drifting through her voice, "I'm Shelbi" She smiled.

"You speak English," I chuckled, "Of course you do. How else would you have known what I was saying?" I muttered more to myself, rolling my eyes at how dumb I must've looked, "I'm Elizabeth, but please call me Beth" I stated.

"Nice to meet you Beth" She grinned, "Finally someone nice enough to have a decent conversation with" She laughed, "Everyone here is either a bitch, over-passionate with their talent, or they speak a different language" She explained.

"Really?" I asked, "Wow. I was such a nervous wreck on my way here. I'm surprised I'm still standing honestly," I laughed.

"I was like that on my first year too," She chuckled, "You get used to it after a while. It's just different" 

"Different is a huge understatement. I couldn't even understand what the taxi driver was trying to tell me!"

"Most of the places around here are English anyway, plus everyone gets French lessons" She shrugged, "What room are you?" She asked me, looking at my hands.

I looked down at the piece of paper in my hand and read what was on the small square, "385" I told her simply.

"Oh damn," She frowned, "My roomie isn't here yet and I was hoping you were her," She chuckled, "Your room is just down from mine though. I'll show you if you like" She smiled. I nodded in agreement before following her up the shiny stone stairs.

On the third floor she turned the corner and started walking down the hall, in which I followed, "Each language has a floor" She told me, "English being the main subject though, we get two floors. Everyone shares a room with another person unless you're super rich, and band members purposely get split so that they're with another member of their band" She explained, "Not that it really matters" She shrugged.

"Oh cool" I mumbled, generally finding this interesting, "What are you here for?" I asked her.

She turned around and started walking backwards, smiling at me, "I want to be a professional pianist. You?"

"singer," I said simply, "but I play guitar as well" I told her, lifting up my guitar slightly, "Sucks we won't be in any classes together" I pointed out. She shrugged and continued to walk, "What year are you?" I asked. 

"Second, but we can hang out at some point" She chuckled, smiling slightly. 

"We better! I need some friends!" I laughed. She laughed along with me and stopped infront of a brown door. The number 385 written on a silver plate that was stuck to the door.

"Here," She smiled, "This is your room. At the end of every block there's a map," She stated, pointing to the block wall, "But if you go downstairs again, all the classrooms and stuff go through the backdoor. It kind of opens up into a normal looking school. The door opposite to the office is the cafeteria kind of thing, but most of us go out to eat. This is my number," She stated, pulling out a pen and writing a bunch of numbers on my hand, "Call me later, or if you need anything" She smiled.

"Thanks so much" I smiled before opening the door to my new dorm room. It was empty, but there was definitely another girl living in here. There was a cross with Jesus hanging off the wall on her side of the bed, and her sheets were plain white and they look like they'd been remaked. On the bed head it had the letters 'J E S U S' hanging off it. 

Oh boy.

I dumped my things on the blank side of the room and sat down on the edge of the single bed, pulling out my phone from my pocket in the process. I'd have to get a new SIM card in order to call or text anyone here, but that shouldn't be too hard. i'll go later.

I decided I should probably unpack, so I grabbed my suitcase and chucked it on the bed, huffing at the weight of it. I unzipped it and sat cross legged on my new bed, going through the things I brought over. 

After I unpacked all my things in the bathroom we shared, I grabbed my phone and timetable before walking out of the bedroom again, deciding now would be a good time to go looking around the campus and things.

I followed my own footsteps from earlier and eventually found my way back to the ground floor. I did a 360 and found the sign that said Backdoor for classes and smiles in satisfactory. I opened it up and was face to face with the outside, which was surprisingly not as cold as I had assumed.

There was freshly mowed grass, and a cement path with a roof over it leading towards a huge hall with other rooms, which I'm assuming were classrooms. I looked down at my timetable as I slowly walked down the path, trying to figure out how to read it.

At the top it said

English classes, floor two and three

then underneath it had

Guitar lessons - C14

Vocals - D13

Tuning - F16

I continued up the stairs, taking in the floors two and three part of the timetable, then began to find the classes I would be using next week when the school actually started teaching for the year. I looked for my Vocals class first and soon realised that each block went down in strips. For example, D13 was the third classroom to the left. Next to that was another block, which was C.

My guitar lessons were here, so I walked down until I found classroom C14. It was kind of like a recording studio, although different. There was a blackboard at the front with what I could see had numerous drawings of music notes. Considering we were playing guitar we wouldn't need desks, but there were chairs lined up about a metre from the blackboard.

The door was slightly ajar, so I pushed it open slightly and noticed a blonde boy sitting on the main desk at the front. He had his legs up on a chair and an acoustic guitar sitting on his lap. From what I could see he was wearing everything black. Black jeans, black shirt, black beanie.

I didn't even realise he noticed me until he coughed awkwardly, giving me a confused look.

"Uh, hi!" I chuckled nervously, "Sorry I was just looking for my classes and noticed this one was open" I told him. He cracked a small half-smile and I noticed then that he had a black stud in his lip.

"It's all good" He stated, before going back to plucking the guitar.

"Um..Are you..Are you here for playing guitar?" I asked him, deciding it was now or never to make friends. He looked up at me again and let out a breath of annoyance. As if he didn't want to talk to me, or anyone. I couldn't blame him, really.

"I'm in a band" he said simply.

"Oh cool!" I grinned, "Do you just play the guitar?"

He rolled his eyes and looked at me with a bored expression, "I'm lead, actually" He shrugged, "Kinda. Me and my mate share the parts" He explained.

"That's great. I sing...And I play guitar too...But I mostly sing. I mean, if someone told me I couldn't play guitar then I'd just sing. It doesn't faze me" I told him.

"Thats nice" he chuckled.

"I'm Elizabeth" I said quietly.

"Well, Elizabeth, I'm Luke Hemmings and I really have to go" He said abruptly. standing up, "See ya 'round Aussie" He smirked before sliding past me and walking down the corridor, just like that.

That was the first time I ever met Luke Hemmings, and boy it was awkward.


Hey guys! New book! SO to just clear a few things up:

1. 5SOS aren't famous in this book, but they're still a pop punk band. 

2. Luke isn't bad boy as such. He just has trust issues so he doesn't talk to knew people. Also he smokes as a stress thing, which you'll find out in the next few chapters wooooo

3. Idk

Because this book is now posted, It might mean my other book, Let me be the one to save you, will get slower updates. Maybe once a week or so now? I try and update as much as possible x

20 votes and 10 comments until I update next? :) It gives me some time to write! 

- Girl on the side is who Beth might be pictured as, I haven't fully decided yet. But over all it's your imagination, so you can picture her as whoever you want! :) 

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