Chapter 6

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The next day flew by pretty quickly. I had read about half of the book when I got back from Ashton's, but when my alarm reached 2am I knew I had to sleep if I wanted to wake up in time for classes. Vocals was the same. We did voice exercises for the first half and then he concentrated on how we all sang. French had nothing interesting, though I was there before Luke this time, and when he noticed I was sitting in the same spot, he sighed and sat down on the other side of the classroom.

I was getting ready for their gig tonight. The weather was chilly, so I had on a pair of black skinny jeans and a one of those big sweaters, that just flopped over my figure. It was still stylish though. That's what I loved about it. My dark, straightened hair was dangling around my shoulders effortlessly while a sagging black beanie sat on top of it. There was also a pair of black flats on my feet.

I was meeting Shelbi and Kali by the entrance this time, I wasn't sure why though. I quickly stepped down the white tiled stairs, and when I spotted the mop of blonde hair looking at the brochures, I walked over.

"So," I breathed, "Where to now?"

"Now, we meet the boys at the bus stop" She stated, "Ashton texted before and said that it was across the road from the school, so it can't be that hard to find" She shrugged

"You've never caught the bus?" I asked, confused

"Nope," She mumbled, "I always walked to wherever I needed to" She explained. I nodded and we all walked out of the building. Ashton wasn't wrong when he said just across the road. Down the street a little, we could already see the four boys standing by the bus stop with their guitar cases and -In Ashton's case- Drumsticks.

We picked up our pace and ran across the road to where they were sitting. Luke was sitting in the middle, his arms resting on the back of the bench, and a pair of black raybans on his face. He was in a white Blink 182 T-Shirt and a pair if black skinny jeans.

Surprise, surprise.

"Hey," Ashton giggled excitedly

"Hey," I smiled. Shelbi waved and planted herself next to Michael who flung an arm over her shoulders and winked. From where I was standing, I could clearly see Calum, and for some reason the friendly touch made his excitement fade and turn into a frown. Was he...Jealous?

The bus got here soon enough and we all hopped on. Luke sat second from the back, both of his arms flung over the bus seat, similar to his previous position. I took a risk and sat on the chair across from it, putting my legs up on the seat, telling everyone else I wanted to sit by myself.

"I don't smell" I spoke up as the bus started.

Luke sighed, and I assumed he rolled his eyes, but I couldn't be sure because of the glasses, "You're still on that? I thought we were past this"

"Are we?" I asked, an eyebrow raising, "Where are we at then?"

He sighed, turning his body so he was facing me, "Look, just because Ashton and the others like you and your new friends, doesn't mean I have to, alright? Why do you care so much anyway? Why are you trying so hard to get to know me?"

"You're fascinating" I shrugged, "Like contrast in a painting. You...Stand out"

"You don't know me"

"I can try"

"I won't let you," He said lowly

"Watch me" I whispered.

I turned around then, deciding it was my turn to ignore him. The bus stopped a few times before it got to the bar they were playing at. Not long after it pulled up, the seven of us stood up, as did a few others. I found myself pushed up against a random males back, and behind me, Luke was pushed up against me. I could feel his breath distantly on my ear, blowing the dark hair that was tucked behind it slightly. A shiver of the unknown went down my spine, and I silently prayed he didn't feel it.

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