Part IV

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Cities and roads they traveled—an army of shadows and monsters who were neither men nor wolves. Only a handful had human shapes—a woman who was carried at the back of one of the creatures' hunched form and several others who ran alongside the monsters—were there. Like the last trace of humanity in a jumble of forms that had nothing in common with humans.

There were flames in that woman's eyes, fires burning inside green circles like a slipping illusion of the person she tried to be and that too was sliding off like a blanket that she had covered herself with.

There were two other females that were human in their appearance in the procession of creatures. One of them was pale like the moon's glow on a winter's night and the other had a halo around her face made of a hair red like the setting sun in the desert. A man sped next to the redhead and another ran beside the blond faster than the human eye could have registered. Even in the rapid motion, that man' shoulders were slumped with depression that was easily readable of his face, a desperation that only the ones who lacked a living heart in their chest knew.

That man was broken, shattered beyond repair. His steps heavy despite his body that seemed light compared to the others, he appeared as he'd lost a considerable amount of weight lately with how hollow his cheeks and how gaunt his face looked. The clothes he wore—a simple pair of black pants, a T-shirt and a thin jacket—looked like they were hanging onto his sticky thin body as he followed a few steps behind the woman carried by the wildling.

She cried out as they ran. She was the one who led them to battle and her urging them was a visceral sound in the silence of the night.

Adam knew better, though. He knew exactly what awaited them at the end of their path and victory was not it. He had chosen to walk that path with both his eyes wide open. No one had forced him. Cole never asked him do what he was doing. His mate never promised him a future or a happiness yet....

Walking the remainder of the road he had to walk felt thousand times harder than anything Adam ever imagined.

The end of the road....

A loud shriek came from their mistress' mouth and the motion suddenly halted. Adam heard the roar of the engine die a few seconds later. His mate had been riding at the back of the storm of shapes with Lucas.

Adam heard the sound of the door and then steps.

His mate made his way to where Leila waited with her body still and onto the back of his brother, arms circled around the strong shoulders of the wildling that supported her. She looked like a wreck now and maybe that was the reason she was acting rashly and not second-guessing her decision to strike now.

"What is it, Leila? Why did we stop?" Cole spoke as he reached her.

She raised her hand waving him to come closer to her and he leaned in for her to say something in his ear. Adam didn't know what she told him but whatever she had demanded of his mate this time it made his body shiver and him glance with a frightened expression on his face.

A second later, Cole offered her his hand and she clasped her own around it before unhooking her legs from around Ash's hips then she stood up on her own feet.

Adam watched them walk away from the crowd, the slight swell in Leila's movements mirrored in the tremors of his mate's body and in that he knew two things—she had some evil trick up her sleeve and whatever it was she was going to pull off this time it included Cole.

Both wildlings and soulless waited for their mistress to return to the intersection of the road and if any humans decided to ride in their vehicles to where they were, those poor souls were going to meet a very unfortunate end just then, but fortunately for the long minutes of dreadful anticipation of Leila and Cole's return no human ventured at this path littered with destruction.

Adam knew that as soon as the morning came the place was going to be swamped with human authorities. They hadn't been exactly subtle in their passage. In fact, they had left a bloody trail after themselves and there was going to be more blood to flow, more blood the Council was going to wash off for them and despite the wreckage, the public was going to stay as it always was—ignorant.

You know what to do when the time comes, Cole sent into Adam's mind yet he never even glanced at him as he made his way back to the place but bypassed him without even a nod of acknowledgment and went to start the car. A minute later, Adam watched his mate drive away from their army. Away from him.

He then looked at the road ahead one more time and sighed. He knew exactly what he had to do. It was the only thing Cole ever asked of him but could he do that when the time came? Could he kill his own mate to save him from his own demons?

He didn't know if he had the strength to do that. All he knew was that he had to run now and he was going to do just that.

Run and forget the promise.

We're almost at the end of the book and the story peeps!

Ten or so chapters are left till we're finished and more of Cole and Adam's story will be posted on the bonus chapters both here and on Moon Bound.

I hope you loved the story so far and will love the ending as well.






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