(20) Blessings|Regan's POV|

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I knew what I had to do. I couldn't face the creatures Christine spoke of on my own. I needed a strong pack and probably the help of others in the war I was going to start but with my own pack almost destroyed by the wildlings it was easier said than done.

What was I supposed to do in this situation? How was I ever going to get my mate back and face the people who were a threat to us?

There were so many questions, so many doubts in my mind and no answer. For the last couple of days, after Christine had confessed her truths to me, I had been trying to reach out. Holed up in my office while my men floated like ghosts in our territory, protecting a land empty of life, I dialed number after number, asking the same question again and again.

"Are you going to help us?" I would say as soon as I'd explained the situation. I never went as far as to speak about those creatures. It was always the wildlings I told the alphas that I needed their assistance with. "How many men can you spare?"

"I'm sorry, Greene. I can't help you with your witch hunt," Mason from GoldenMoon had told me. He hadn't sounded apologetic to inform me that he would not extend his helping hand towards me. He had been smug in his refusal, almost spelling out his contempt that I was facing this predicament when once he had been my father's most loyal supporter.

"You know what happens to the prince who never becomes a king, don't you, Regan? He becomes a dog and no wolf would ever follow a dog."

It had been the first call I made and afterward, his words had only proved true. I had called others. Many alphas who just like Mason had told me I was either mad or deluded to think that they would ever help me. I had betrayed their trust. I had never stepped up as the next Apex like I'd been supposed to do. I had left them fend for themselves.

What were you expecting, Regan?

There was only one alpha left on my list that I needed to plead my cause with. After what happened to my pack he had risen to be the strongest alpha of us all. He had the least reason to support me and perhaps, that was the reason why I had been putting off that call until the last moment.

I dialed the number and waited.

"Hello, Regan." He picked up after the third ring.

"August," I said, trying not to give away my anxiety. "I'm calling because-"

"I know exactly why you are calling, Regan. In fact, I've been expecting your call for a while. I hear you've been asking left and right for assistance these last few days. Word travels, you know."

"I'm well aware of this. So, since you know the reason for this call, should I presume that you have your answer ready, August?" The hand holding the cell phone to my ear was shaking. He was my last hope and I was sure that he knew that.

"I'm willing to do you this favor, however, whether I would or not depends on your answer to my next question. So, Regan, why do you want me to fight for you?"

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