(21) Apex |Regan's POV|

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Wanderers of the world. Wolves that roamed no man's land. Sneaking into packs' territories. Making them bend their necks in submission. Turning back to the habits of old.


We were no longer men.


We were never meant to live like humans.


We were wolves. Animals.

A few days after our arrival at RavenFur and my and August's prolonged discussion about what needed to be done in order for us to stand a chance against the enemies we were going to face, we came to the conclusion that the wolves we had to fight on our side were simply not enough.

Being the strongest alpha in the States he could have done this for himself, he could have started his own bloody journey gathering more wolves to fight for him, but all he did was follow my lead.

We had departed. Two packs – one made of men who had nothing to lose and one formed of men who had everything to lose but were willing to do it for their alpha. I was perplexed about how August had even managed to convince his wolves that they needed to fight in a war that was not their own and I was a little envious that he had a pack that stayed loyal to him even at the price of their own lives.

As wolves, it was natural for us to be loyal to our pack, however, the notion of what a pack was differed from August's wolves' definition. They followed their alpha's lead unconditionally while the majority of packs followed what was in the best interest of the pack as a whole, individuals notwithstanding.

Having RavenFur's example in front of me, I could only learn from it. Valuable lessons of how an alpha should lead and I had to give it to him. There was more honor in his way of leadership than I had seen in a while.

We would stick to no man's land when we traveled in between pack territories, then we would wait at the borders, extend an arm in an offer of peace and cooperation and when refused we would turn that offer into a bloodshed.

Those who lived would stay with us and learn. Those who were too stubborn to bend would die and be buried in the earth to rot.

Soon, we would no longer need to say the reason for our arrival. Soon, wolves would flee their packs on their own and join us. The Apex pack. The biggest formation of wolves there was.

Some would do it to save themselves the effort of facing us in a battle. Others would seek glory and prestige.

I knew what I was doing was wrong. I knew that no one would blame August for supporting me since he never took anything for himself. Later, they would believe him if he made some excuse about his reason for joining me on this journey.

I could do nothing about it but keep standing under the blood Moon and pray that somehow all the wrongs I was committing were going to add up and make a right. My rise to an Apex, my conquest over the moon children, my mission of rescue and justice, I could only hope that it wouldn't turn out to be my biggest mistake tomorrow as I thought about today.

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