Together again

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No Emotion Involved

Jasmine's POV

I sat down, and Anthony sat beside me. "So-" He began, but I cut him off, raising my pointer finger. "LIN MANUEL MIRANDA I KNOW YOU'RE LISTENING!" I yelled in the general direction of the door. Lin suddenly appeared, and I rolled my eyes at him

He was nosy like that.

"Leave," I ordered, pointing towards the door. "Fine," He grumbled, walking away. I waited till' I thought he was gone, then I started my rant. I had rehearsed this, actually.

I was just that fucking organized.

"Anthony , look. When I dumped you, it took me about three seconds to realize I shouldn't have. But you should know that I'm a stubborn little bitch, and I sure as fuck wasn't going to be the one to beg you to take me back. So, I waited." And waited, and waited... "But nothing happened. You called once or twice, and I didn't pick up, and that was it from you. I convinced myself that I was nothing to you - if I wasn't you'd've grown a pair and actually tried to talk to me face-to-face. But you didn't even make the effort.

"So, depression took over. I spent at least an hour everyday bawling my fucking eyes out and worrying about the soft pile of fluff that I becoming. The crying became a ritual, actually. Two O'clock was my crying hour. Hey, don't look at me like that! I'm not crazy! Okay, maybe very slightly."

He didn't say anything. He just stared, slack-jawed. And the he started laughing.

He fucking started laughing.

I glared at him. I was pouring my fucking heart out to him, and he had started laughing, and that shit was not ok.

When he finally managed to shut his glob , he said, "Jas , why the hell would you think I didn't want you anymore?"

"You fucking blanked me for a fucking week!"

When I get mad, I swear.

It's kind of my thing.

He smiled at me softly, and the anger melted away.

Holy fucking shitballs he was gorgeous...

Hold up - I'm meant to be in full bitch mode now.

I crossed my arms and pouted like the child that I was, and he grinned. "Jasmine , of course I still love you. I always have, I always will."

I sighed. "Even when I'm really old? Like fifty , and my tits are sagging to my waist and cellulite takes over my ass?" I asked.

Lemme tell ya, I did not want to get old.

He stifled a laugh. "Even then," He promised.

"Then why did you stay away for a millennium when we broke up?"

"I already told you, I'm pretty stubborn too. I wanted you to make the first move, and tell me you wanted me back."

I nodded. I was glad to understand that, at least. "So... are we back together now?"

He thought about it. "You still have to admit you want me back," How could he doubt that I did. I sighed, and said it aloud, "I love you, Anthony . I want to be your girlfriend, and I want to watch sappy movies with you while I cry and you call me a baby, and I want to piss off all our teachers with you with the not-so-subtle innuendos that we keep dropping-" Yeah. My boyfriend's awesome. "-And I want to have mind-blowing sex with you, like, all the time, because, as you and I both know, I'm obsessed with it."

He grinned the biggest most shit-eating grin I've ever seen in my life.

And he looked perfect.

He leaned down to kiss me, and I tangled my fingers in his hair, wanting the kiss to escalate into other things...

No emotions  involved //JANTHONY//Where stories live. Discover now