Check Up

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After hugging everyone for about five minutes the paramedics broke us up to say that I needed to get checked up.

I was now laying on a stretcher still wrapped up in Austins sweatshirt and blanket in the back of the ambulance.

My mom refused to leave my side, so she was sitting on the bench next to the stretcher.

Two paramedics were also with us, and they were hooking a couple IV's in my arm.

Cops had ended up showing up before I was taken away in the ambulance.

They had started to put up crime scene tape and it made me wonder.

The paramedics started to ask me basic questions.

"What's your name?" One of them asked.

"Riley Constancio," I answered.

"When's your birthday?" Another asked.

"July 6th, 1998," I replied.

"How many siblings do you have?"


"Brother or sister?"

"Brother named Alex," I answered before he could ask.

They nodded in approval.

We got to the hospital quickly and they brought me inside.

A few nurses ran over and rushed me into a room.

They took the blanket off me and-sadly-cut the sweatshirt off of me.

I was looked over for wounds because of all the blood.

They took pictures of me, took swabs of blood for what I guessed was for evidence.

They then washed me and took a few more pictures. Then because of how I was found I got a rape kit done, after that they were all done.

I was laying in bed, almost asleep when there was a knock on the door.

It opened slowly to reveal dad, Alex, and Austin.

I smiled at them.

Before Anyone could saw anything another knock and a man came in.

"I'm detective Clark but you can call me Miles," The man said.

I just stared at him.

"I'm the lead detective on your case," He clarified a little bit.

I nodded slowly.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He asked.

I sat up in the hospital bed.

"I don't remember anything," I said.

"Can you tell me the last thing you do remember?" He asked.

He stood at the foot of the bed and watched me.

"I went to the mall with Cara," I started. "I remember I needed to use the bathroom, but she was distracted so I went by myself. I was on my way back when I got a phone call. It was someone I didn't know. He talked about how I supposedly just walked past him without say hi. He said he was my boyfriend. I remember asking, 'who in the right mind would think I'm dating them,' and he didn't say anything. Next thing I knee there was someone behind me, they whispered 'who says I'm in my right mind?' He grabbed me and that's the last thing I remember," I finished.

Alex had grabbed my left hand as I explained.

Tears had sprung to my eyes once again.

Miles nodded slowly, writing a few things down on a notepad.

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