In Deaths Grip

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I suddenly sat up and coughed up-i could swear-a gallon of ocean water.

When I finished someone pressed a cold water bottle to my lips and I took a small sip.

I looked around and saw a bunch of people I've never seen gathered all around, and Austin, Alex, Cara, and Dave closest to me.

I was slightly shaking, but it was not from being cold.

"Get them away," I whispered to Dave.


Everyone started walking away, looking back every few steps.

"Thank you," I told him with a weak smile.

He smiled back.

Cara was sitting at my feet. Her eyes wide and she looked scared.

Alex sat at one my left and Austin sat on my right.

I could see that he was half wet.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You hit the wave wrong," Cara said.

"It wiped you out, and you disappeared for a minute or so," Dave said.

"And then popped out and Cara put you on her board and brought you to shore," Alex said.

"And I met her and carried you over here and I did CPR," Austin finished.

I don't know whether to laugh from how they all interrupted each other or to freak out at the point that I almost died, so instead I just stayed quiet.

I took the water bottle from Austin and took a slightly bigger drink.

"Not to much," Dave said.

I nodded.

"I think we should go home," Austin said slowly.

"No!" I said quickly. "I want to go walk around the boardwalk."

"Are you sure?" Alex asked.

"You should get some rest," Dave said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine. I just want to go walk around," I insisted.

I stood up with the help of Alex and Austin.

We started walking to the car to drop everything off when I remember my board.

"Where's my board?" I asked.

Alex winced as if I slapped him.

"It kind of broke in half," He said slowly motioning to Dave.

I looked at Dave and saw that he was holding the two pieces of my surfboard

"That was my favorite board!" I said slightly whining.

Alex chuckled.

"Guys it's alright. She's definitely fine," He said.

I playfully slapped his arm and everyone laughed.

We walk to the truck and put everything it, I grab my wallet and phone from the glove department, and we continued to walk.

I walked next to Cara in front of the boys, and Dave was slightly behind them, but was still talking and laughing with them.

"Are you sure your OK?" Cara asked again.

"Cara I am one hundred percent positive that I am fine," I said once again.

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