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"She through the first punch," Sissy said.

I stood up quickly out of my seat.

"I did not!" I said slightly yelling.

"Please sit down," Mr. Halligen said.

OK maybe I should rewind and tell you what happened.

After I threw a punch Sissy slapped me again, and I got another punch in before someone pulled Sissy off of me and someone helped me up.

She tried lunging at me but the security guard held her back.

I just stood there.

"Are you OK?" I heard behind me.

I turned around to see Alex, he had been the one that helped me up.

I nodded.

"Where is all that blood from?" He asked, his eyes full of concern.

"I broke her nose," I said looking at Sissy's bleeding and bent nose.

He slightly smiled.

"My sister can throw a punch, NICE," He said.

We did our secret handshake in secret so none of the teachers saw.

We-Sissy and I-were brought to the principles office, and a few seconds after we sat across the table from Mr. Halligens the door opened and Alex came through.

He had talked himself in.

So that's why I saw yelling in my defence.

I sat down slowly, glaring at Sissy.

"Right now, Sissy is telling her side of the story, then you can. OK?" Mr. Halligen asked.

I nodded.

I turned toward Alex and handed him a damp paper towel. He took it and got the blood that I had missed off my face.

Laying under the person you punch and give them a bloody nose is not a good idea.

"Like I was saying, I was just sitting there, talking with my friends when Riley came up and punched me. Then I'm sitting here," She said holding a huge ice pack to her eye and nose.

From here I could see her eye was swelling up and starting to bruise.

I inwardly smiled.

"Riley, can you please state your side?" Mr. Halligen asked.

Alex finished cleaning up what I missed and sat back in his seat.

I faced the principal.

"I was sitting with Cara eating lunch, like everyday. We were minding our own business, when I heard Sissy and her minions-I mean friends," I smiled innocently at that. "Talking. They were a couple feet behind us, and it seemed that they were purposely talking loud. I hears them talking smack about my brother and I went over there to defend him.

"When I went over there we started arguing and then lunged at me, knocking me down, and she started slapping me and pulling my hair. I defended myself, and now I'm sitting here," I finished.

He nodded slowly and stroked his white close shaven beard.

His dark blue eyes looked at mine for a few more seconds.

"Your the brother Riley is talking about right?" Mr. Halligen asked.

Alex nodded.

"Are you a witness?" He asked.

"Well kinda," Alex said.

"Tell me what you saw," He said.

"I was hanging with my friends when I heard something. When I looked I saw Sissy lunge at Riley and start the fight," He explained.

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