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Miles, the lead detective that was assigned to my case came over and talked to Austin and I.

"Now how did you manage to find these girls?" He asked with a hint of a smile.

"Its complicated..." I said slowly.

"I'll try to understand," He said.

I sighed.

I then explained about my nightmare and how I just had this feeling and how it led me here-the front porch of my kidnappers house talking to him.

"OK maybe that is a little complicated," Miles said looking a little confused.

I smiled slightly.

"No matter, you guys just saved lives. We're having trouble figuring out who the guy is that kidnapped you. It may have been too late for those girls by the time we found this place," He explained.

"I'm glad I could be more of help then I had been in the beginning," I said.

"You gave us all the help we ever needed," Miles said reassuringly.

I smiled.

Austin and I headed to his car, but Miles stopped us.

"Riley, wait a second."

I turned around to see what he wanted.

"I talked to a couple people and got this for you," Miles said handing me a necklace. "Its the necklace that belonged to the little girl, and here's the address," He also handed me a sticky note with the address.

"Thank you," I said sincerely.

He nodded briskly and walked away

"Austin," I started.

"Hand me the address," He said rolling his eyes.

I smiled and put the note in his outstretched hand.

We got in and he drove to the address.

As soon as we pulled in all I could remember is what happened.

The guy who attempted to rape me-who was arrested-the attack of me...the attack of the little girl.

I tightened my grip on the necklace-which was a little silver heart shaped locket.

Austin came around to my side and opened my door.

I didn't move.

"Are you sure you can do this?" He asked softly.

His voice was filled with concern.

I met his eyes.

"No, but I have to," I replied.

He was quite for a moment, then held out his hand for me to take.

I took it slowly and finally got out of the car.

I didn't let Austins hand go, and he didn't let go of mine.

We walked to the front door of the apartment complex and easily walked past the front clerk-who was currently drooling on his desk-and up the stairs.

We went up to the second floor to room B7 and knocked swiftly on the door.

"Coming!" Said a female voice from the other side of the door.

The woman sounded friendly-for now at least.

The door was opened moments later.

The smell of flowers filled my nose, and a dark skinned female with dark brown eyes and brown hair greeted us at the door.

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