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 After the breathtaking interview, SEVENTEEN decided to go back to the dorm and have some rest. Every member congratulate and compliment Seungcheol after the announcement and it makes Seungcheol happy as he sees that everyone appreciates the speech he did."We're proud that we have a brave leader to guide us and take care of us," Joshua said as he pat Seungcheol's back with a sweet smile plastered along his face as they enter the dorm. Seungcheol nod as a reply and walk away from the scene towards his bedroom and slump his body to his bed. 

"Wow." Seungcheol suddenly mutter as flashback began to play.


 "Good afternoon everyone, especially my dear carats. I, Choi Seungcheol, the leader of SEVENTEEN has an announcement to every one. I, the leader of SEVENTEEN, is the dating Yoon Jeonghan, whose a member of my group and has a pretty eyes, Nose, lips, has a soft hair and has the same sex, but I don't care because I love him, i love everything about him as well as his being. Before haters bash, before fans congratulate or no and before media ask negatively, I don't care whether you like it or not. We are just normal people just like you who also experience happiness, difficulties and especially love. So, as long as we love each other and as long as all the members love someone , same or opposite sex we are still here to serve and cheer and create music just for you because we love you. I hope that everyone may accept about this announcement I make and still supports us because - I as the leader will protect and take care of them like the parents of each member because I love them. I love SEVENTEEN, and I hope everyone understands. thank you for listening." He smiles in the end as people cheer for him loudly and by that time Choi Seungcheol loved Yoon Jeonghan more than his most. 

❄   end of flashback ❄

 "Looks like our oh so brave leader is tired, huh?" A sweet voice suddenly appear as it follows the noise of the door being closed and locked. "Yeah. I need your hug, babe," Seungcheol spread his arms as a signal that Jeonghan must hug him right now, right here. Jeonghan giggled and hug him while he's laying on the bed. "So... Can you recite the speech for me, babe" Jeonghan pouted as he rub Seungcheol chests in circles. "Babe, If you just wanna hear the, I love him from my speech, no need to recite again for you because-" he cupped his cheeks and give his lips a peck, " I Love you Yoon Jeonghan."Jeonghan blushed and hid his face in Seungcheol's shirt. 

" How come you can make me blush by just a sudden cheesy action of yours?" Jeonghan mumbled through Seungcheol 's chest giving him a weird sensation. Seungcheol pulled Jeonghan from his shirt and drag him as he let Jeonghan sit through his stomach. "Because I am your daddy." Seungcheol huskily said making Yoon Jeonghan gulped.


u p d a t e - s t i l l  l a m e  h u h u h u ~  

sorry for the grammatical errors. OuO

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