Chapter #17

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Walking into the Lima Bean with Kurt, Blaine, and Santana, after being called there by the glee club's worst enemy was definitely a bit nerve wracking. What if Santana decided it was a good idea to beat his ass, then we'd all end up in jail! None of us are really sure why he called us here, although Kurt assumed the worst, I'm not so sure.

"Let me break it down for you, from one bitch to another. All this vicious underhanded crap has got to stop" Santana says sitting in the chair across from where Sebastian was seated.

"Exactly, that's why I called you here" he answers, looking at each one of us in the eyes, maybe to help show that he's serious, "first of all Anna, I want to apologize again about your eye, although it's good to see that you are okay now."

"Dude, we've been over this already you are forgiven for that one" I say with a small smile, that he returns with a small one of his own.

"Second, all the Finn photos have been destroyed. I want the Warblers to win fair and square, and we're going to take donations for Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' foundation" He continues, "Win, lose, or draw, we're going to dedicate our performance to Dave Karofsky, I thought you might want to join us."

"Wait for the punch, you know it's coming" Kurt snarked.

"No, not this time. For too long I have treated everything like a big joke. It's all fun and games until it's not."

I could tell that there was more to the story than what he let on, just by his facial expression; he looked to be on the verge of tears, "it sucks that you had to learn that lesson the hard way Sebastian, but at least you learned it."

"Thank you for your apologies, we will bring all of this information back to the New Directions" Blaine says, shaking his hand, the three if them moving to leave.

"You guys go on ahead, I just want to talk to Sebastian for a minute" I tell them.

They all nodded at me, and made there way back through the door that we arrived from, back to Blaine's car. Sebastian can probably just give me a drive back to school. I sit down across from him and grab one of his hands with both of mine in a comforting gesture.

"What's the story behind this Sebastian?"

So, he tells me everything. About how Dave came to him for advice in the bar, and every mean thing that he said to him. I can tell he feels partially responsible for what Dave did, and who knows how his words had affected Dave. They would definitely hurt any regular person.

"I told him to stay in the closet. The thing that I used to hate people saying about me. I am an awful human being Anna" he says, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Sebastian, the fact that you realize what you said was wrong, means that you are not an awful person. You may not be able to take what you did back, but you can sure as hell make sure you never do it again. That's how you'll be able to live with yourself" I say to him.

"Thank you Anna, for the advice, and for not judging me too harshly, especially after all I've done" he smiles at me, tears leaving his eyes slowly.

"I have a firm belief that if people really want to, they can change. I can tell that you really want to, and will try, which is definitely a good thing, because this friendship wouldn't last otherwise, and you're kinda cool to hang out with" I give him a bright smile.

"Thanks Smith" he rolls his eyes playfully, giving me a goofy grin.

"No problem Smythe, but I now have to get to glee practice, and since my ride left, I'm relying on you. Do you think you could drive me?" I give him my best set of puppy dog eyes.

"Only if you stop making that face, it's impossible to say no when you do that" he chuckles.

The both of us stand from our seats, and I pull him into a hug, my arms around his torso, his around my shoulders, resting his chin on my head. The hug was necessary after that conversation we had. It was quick, but reassuring, like one you'd give to a kid after convincing them to get back on there bike after they'd fallen off. The situations were kind of similiar, Sebastian's 'bike' just happened to be, being a nice person


"Mr. Schue, why do you have a jar of peanut butter with just one spoon?" Mercedes asks, from her spot in the circle.

Mr. Schue had gathered us all on the stage in the auditorium for today's glee meeting. We were all sat in a circle, me with my legs crossed and my backpack leaning against my knees, arms crossed on top of it.

"Yeah, there are 16 of us here, and I'm only comfortable sharing a spoon with about, half of you" Sugar spoke.

"Well, its come to my attention that our good friend Rory Flannigan has never tasted peanut butter" Mr. Schue explained.

That recieved a chorus of 'what' and 'are you serious' from the rest of the group.

Oh, and of course my call of, "Blasphemy!"

"Rory, if you don't mind" Mr. Schue got up, popping the lid of the jar, sticking the spoon in to collect some peanut butter, and then handing it to Rory.

Rory licked the spoon before he spoke, "oh my god, thats the best thing I've ever had" he smiled, sitting back beside Kurt with the peanut butter in hand.

"Mr. Schuester, as much as that's incredibly moving, its kind of been an emotional week for some of us" Kurt said.

"Yeah, what's the point of all this" Finn asked.

"The point is, Rory just had a brand new experience, something as simple as peanut butter. You guys are young, I want you to promise me that no matter how depressed you get, no matter how hopeless or alone you feel, you'll try your best to imagine all the amazing experiences you have ahead of you."

"Mr. Schue, I know that we're all a little dramatic sometimes, but I don't think anyone would ever consider taking their own life" Mercedes explained.

Mr. Schue hesitated before he spoke again, "I did, junior year, that was a tough year, I cheated on my math midterm, peeked at the answers of the guy next to me and the teacher saw me do it."

"Just cause you got caught cheating? I get caught cheating all the time" Puck said.

"They called my dad at his office" Mr. Schue continued, "and he was coming to pick me up. How was I supposed to look him in the eye? I just kept picturing my dad, so disappointed in me. So I walked up to the roof, I went right over to the edge. One step and all the pain and suffering would be over."

"Is that true?" Kurt asked.

"That day, I promise you, it felt like the end of the world, but you know what? It wasn't" Mr.Schue said, "you know, for some of you, getting caught cheating isn't a big deal, but there is something, everyone has something that might take them to that ledge, and look at all the things I would've missed out on. I would've never met you guys, or Emma. I would have missed outon everything. So right now, I want you all to think of something that you're looking forward to. Big things."

We all went around the circle and when it got to me, I knew there was only one answer that I could give.

"I'm excited to make a difference in kids lives by helping them the way Mr.Schue helped us, to find the power of music, and encourage them to chase their dreams. It's why I want to be a music teacher."

I smiled, proud of my confession, Mr. Schue also smiled, for once realizing how we all feel about him. He always talks about how we saved him, but the thing is, he saved us too.

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