Chapter #6

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A couple weeks had passed since sectionals, and Mr.Shuester had decided that this week was Michael Jackson week, which I was SUPER excited about! A couple of us glee club kids had decided to go to the Lima Bean for coffee during lunch, I was sitting on the floor in front of Blaine, leaning my back against his legs, coffee in hand, and my coat laid on the floor beside me.

"Favourite Michael Jackson memory, go" Blaine said to the group.

Artie was the first to share "when I was one, my mom showed me the VHS of his Motown special, and when he moonwalked across the stage for the first time in history I uttered my first words; hot damn."

When he said the last bit he looked off into the coffee shop as if he was picturing it.

"I owe the king of pop a deep debt of gratitude" Kurt jumped in next, " he was the first one to pull off the sequinned military jacket, long before one Kurt Hummel made it iconic."

Rachel spoke up next " I have to be honest, I never really got him."

Oh crap, talk about starting something.

"And we are no longer on speaking terms" Artie said looking at her.

"No, I think he is an amazing performer, but I never really got what he was about," she tried to explain.

Kurt then spoke up "Rachel, he was best friends with Liza Minelli and Liz Taylor."

"All I'm saying is that I just haven't connected with him the way that I have with the likes of Barbara or either of the Stephens" Rachel tried again.

Artie looked at her in confusion.

"Sondheim, Schwartz" she told him, he still seemed just as confused, and so was I.

"I'd through this mocha in your face, but it's not nearly scalding enough" oh, classic Santana.

I looked back over at Rachel as she spoke again "Okay, since you guys are so jazzed about him, I think it's a good idea for regionals."

"That's probably not the best idea" a familiar Warbler interrupted, walking up to our group, "Hey Anna, Blaine, Hello everyone else"

"Does he live here or something," Kurt said, looking around the shop "seriously, you are always here."

To be honest Kurt's not wrong, Sebastian does seem to be here quite a lot.

"Why don't you think that's a good idea?" Artie asked Sebastian.

"Because we're doing MJ for regionals" he explained, "you see, Warblers drew first position, so as soon as I heard what your plan was, I changed our set list accordingly."

I was seriously surprised and taken aback from that, he was so sweet last time we met not like the type of person he was acting like right now.

"I'm sorry, how did you hear?" Rachel asked the green eyed boy.

Everybody looked in mine and Blaine's direction, I guess because we are the only two who don't completely hate Smythe.

I raised my hands up in surrender and tried not to spill my coffee.

"Wasn't me, just because I don't completely hate the guy, does not mean we are friends."

"Oh, you wound me Smith" Sebastian smirked, putting his hand up to his chest in mock hurt, "anyway, no it wasn't Anna. Blaine told me this morning, I just called for a tip on how to get red wine out of my blazer piping, and he would not stop going on about it."

I whipped my head around to look at Blaine, hoping for an explanation.

"I might have mentioned it" he mumbled, subtly trying to cover his face with his hand.

"How often do you two talk?" Kurt asked Blaine.

"Oh hey Kurt, I didn't recognize you, you are wearing boy clothes for once." That was obviously Sebastian.

Oh no he didn't, he just crossed a line, no one made fun of my friends, not if I have anything to say about it. I was just about to get up of the floor to confront him when Santana stood up and spoke.

"Alright think, I think it's time I show you some Lima Heights hospitality" she said, pointing at Mr.blazer.

Then he decided it was a good idea to poke the vicious bear known as Santana Lopez. Not a good idea buddy, you just made a terrifying new enemy.

"Unless you want to join your relatives in prison, that's probably not the best idea" he starts, "you see my dads sort of what you'd call a states attorney, but if you had a piñata you wanted delivered, I'm sure he could make sure that got to them."

"You're a real jackass" I glared at him, I didn't swear very often so I got surprised looks from my friends, but really I didn't care, I was just stating a fact.

He just smirked at me and continued, "alright, so here's what you guys should know, I am captain of the Warblers now and I'm tired of playing nice."

He then winked at me, I then flipped him off, which made him laugh as he walked away and out of the coffee shop.

Santana turned to me "you must have joined the anti-Smythe club, because I have never seen you swear at and flip someone off."

"Not really, that was just an asshole move and he deserved it, doesn't mean I hate the guy" I explained, "people can change."


Well, here it is! What did you guys think of Chapter 6? Did you catch the MJ joke I threw in there?

Anywarbler, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it, I enjoyed writing it, don't forget to comment, vote, and all that good stuff!


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