Chapter #11

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Anna's POV

4 new messages from Smythe

Ugh, this boy just will not stop, will he? I might as well see what he has to say for himself. I opened my messages and tapped on his name.

Anna I'm sorry ~SS

Imaginative Smythe....

Please forgive me ~SS

Anna please answer me ~SS

Yeah, like that's going to happen

Anna are you okay? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for you to get hurt, it was an accident. Please don't hate me. ~SS

It doesn't matter who the slushy was meant for, it was a major dick move, and I have a reason to ignore him. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket, and leaned back on my red plastic chair, trying to ignore the constantly painful reminder of what happened a few days ago. As I leaned forward again, Santana walked through the door, looking very upset.

"Hey guys, I went over to Dalton after school yesterday, and had a little chat with that conniving chipmunk" Santana began.

I cut in before she could continue, "Santana, I told you not to go after them, I don't want you guys getting into any trouble, I'm fine."

Santana put her hand up to stop the speech she knew I was going to give her, "I didn't do anything that could get anyone into trouble, I was smart about it."

"Anyway, I talked to him, and it turns out, Finn and I were wrong," she added " they didn't put anything in the slushy to intentionally do that damage, it was just a plain old red slushy."

As she said that, she took a tape recorder out of her pocket and handed it to Artie, who then threw it into one of his backpack pockets.

"It was probably just a chunk of ice," I reasoned " it really doesn't matter anyway, I'm fine."

Kurt then stood up and went to the middle of the room to address us as a group.

"Okay, since Santana's plan didn't work, I came up with an alternative idea," he spoke with a smile "we aren't going to hurt the Warblers, we are going to teach them a lesson."

"How so?" I asked him.

"Through the power of Michael Jackson," he answered "now if you'd follow me, I reserved the auditorium."

I stood up from my chair, and followed him to the door, but before we could exit, Santana grabbed our attention.

"Kurt, I have a question" she spoke with a hint of a smirk on her face.

Oh no, that's her revenge face, that is never a good sign. Here comes Snix!

"What is your question Santana?" He asked.

"Are the Warblers going to be in our auditorium?"

"Of course, how else would we teach them a lesson."

"Cool, before we go to the auditorium we have to make a quick stop at the cafeteria." She grinned wickedly.


I know, I know, it's extremely short but, I wanted to get something out before I went to bed tonight, I will hopefully have another chapter out before Wednesday.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading it, and don't forget to comment, vote, and all that good stuff!

See you soon

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