Chapter #15

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Stuffing my car keys into my clutch and flattening the creases of my white dress, I enter breadstix later that night.

How did I get myself roped into helping Sugar set up for this stupid thing? Why did I agree?

I stopped right inside the door and looked around for Sugar, who of course, wasn't here yet. Great. Guess I'll just order some food, seeing as I haven't eaten since lunch.

Sitting down, I wait for a waitress to bring me a menu, someone gets to me first though.

"Mind if I sit?" Asks the voice of Sebastian Smythe.

How does this guy always find me? Does he have some sort of Anna Smith radar? Creepy....

"You going to throw anything at me?" I know the words hurt him, he winces, but for once, I really don't care.


"Then go ahead" I tell him, gesturing to the booth seat across from me.

" I am so sorry for what I did, it was a stupid prank that I thought would be harmless, it doesn't matter that it wasn't meant for you. It was just a complete dick move and I feel terrible about it, I hope that you're able to forgive me." He says, "Oh, almost forgot, this is for you, just to show you how truly sorry I am. Hopefully."

He twists his arm behind his back to pull something out of the back pocket of his black jeans; it's a daisy, my favourite flower. He hands it to me with a hopeful look in his eyes. I take it from him, and hold it delicately with both hands, it brings a slight smile to my lips.

" I remember you saying Daisies were your favourite, so I thought it'd be the best one to get."

I choose this time to speak, " you're right about it being a dick move, because it was definitely that" I tease him, that makes him chuckle a little bit, " and if the singing telegram said anything, it was that this is an actual genuine apology from THE Sebastian Smythe, I feel honoured."

"Are you done?" He laughs, rubbing his jaw with his hand.

"For now" I smirk, " I think I can forgive you after all you've done."

I didn't think it was possible for his smile to get bigger than it already was, but it did.

"Thank you, I promise that I will be a better friend to you, and I will never do anything like that ever again."

"Who said we were friends?" I say, his face falls, laughing I continue, "I'm just kidding Sebastian"

"You gave me a heart attack Anna!" We both laugh, "anyway, let me buy you dinner, to celebrate our friendships."

" I can't let you do that" I argue.

"Good thing I didn't ask you then." He smiles at me, teeth and all.

So that's what we did, ate, laughed and talked, it felt like we were in our own little world. He was actually sweet under that annoying, stuck up prep boy mask he always wears, and calling him funny would be an understatement, he was absolutely hilarious! I don't think I'd ever laughed that hard in my entire life. Sadly, all good things must come to an end, people from McKinley start filing in to take seats, ready for the party.

"Well, I guess I better go before someone comes in and beats me up." Sebastian laughs, grabbing his light blue hoodie off the seat beside him, shoving his keys in his pocket, "it was fun, we should hang out again soon."

I stand with him, he leans in and gives me a hug, kissing my cheek when he pulls away. Giving me a smile and a wink, he goes through the front door and into the night.


Not long after Sebastian left, the party began. Everyone was having an amazing time with their dates, I sat and talked with Kurt and Blaine.

"And now, a special performance from Blaine, Kurt and Company." Sugar announced.

That's my cue. I gather on the tiny makeshift stage with Mercedes, Rachel, and Brittany as the song begins.

If you see a faded sign at the side of the road that says
'15 miles to the

Love shack', love shack, yeah, yeah
I'm headin' down the Atlanta highway

[Mercedes with Rachel and Brittany:]
Lookin' for the love getaway, headed for the love getaway

I got me a car, it's as big as a whale ([The Girls:] Love getaway)
And we're headin' on down to the love shack ([The Girls:] Love getaway)
I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20 ([The Girls:] Love getaway)
So hurry up and bring your jukebox money

[Mercedes with Rachel and Brittany:]
The love shack is a little old place
Where we can get together
Love shack, baby
([Blaine:] A love shack, baby)
Love shack, baby, love shack
Love shack, baby, love shack

[Mercedes with Rachel and Brittany:]
The love shack is a little old place
Where we can get together
Love shack, baby
([Kurt:] Love shack baby)
Love shack, that's where it's at
Love shack, that's where it's at

Hop in my Chrysler, it's as big as a whale
And it's about to set sail
I got me a car, it seats about 20
So come on and bring your jukebox [With Santana:] money

[Mercedes with Rachel and Brittany:]
The love shack is a little old place ([Mercedes:] little old place)
Where we can get together
Love shack, baby
([Blaine:] A love shack, baby)
([Mercedes:] oh oh)
Love shack, baby, love shack ([Mercedes:] oh oh)
Love shack, baby, love shack ([Mercedes:] Love shack, baby, love)

[Rachel and Brittany:]
Bang, bang, bang, on the door, baby
([Blaine:] Knock a little louder Sugar)
Bang bang bang,on the door, baby
([Blaine:] I can't hear you)
Bang, bang
([Blaine:] On the door, baby)
Bang, bang
([Blaine:] On the door)
Bang, bang
([Blaine:] On the door, baby)
Bang, bang

You're WHAT?

Tiiiiiiiiin roof!, RUSTED.

Love shack!

[Rachel and Brittany with Mercedes:]
Love shack, baby, love shack ([Mercedes:] yeah)
Love shack, baby, love shack ([Mercedes:] Love shack)
([Blaine:] Love baby that's where it's at, yeah)
([Blaine:] Love baby that's where it's at)
Love shack, baby, love shack ([Mercedes:] Love shack)
([Blaine:] Huggin' and a kissin')
Love shack, baby, love shack ([Mercedes:] Baby, love shack...)
([Blaine:] Dancin' and a lovin' at the love shack)


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