Chronicle 42

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For the first time, I can say that I am afraid.

I have been waiting, preparing my family for what was coming. But I did not expect this.

They have come. Over the last several days. Making their presence known in the skies that no longer reach darkness. They make themselves glorified in the light. But they are not apart of the leight. They are illusion and darke. They try to makes themselves appears beautiful, magickal and brilliant. But they are the opposite.

Still they linger on the horizon.


Soon they will make their move.

I am preparing now for this. Getting my family ready. We pack up. Prepare to run and hide. To find the shelter that I know we can find to the south. We will survive this. We must, if we wish to make it to the Event. It will come, regardless of all of this.

We will survive.

You must prepare, if you wish to survive as well.

There is far more things worse than dying. And far more things that can destroy your soul.

An eternity of Darkeness awaits false Prophets.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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