Chronicle 35

21 3 0

Something similar happened when I was younger. When I was about 19 I worked at a nursery. Most often, I would be by myself at the front of the store. The one or two other workers would be doing stock or out in the tree nursery around the side of the building.

It was quiet that day. No real customers and I was bored waiting for my shift to end. I glanced outside and noticed that there was no cars in the lot, other than those of the employees. I looked away, my gaze drifting, when I looked back and suddenly noticed 2 women standing in the lot, both dressed in black, no car in site. I shook it off, not really caring, until I suddenly noticed that there was 4 women standing there, all dressed in black. Still no cars in sight. One was a brunette and the other three were blondes. Suddenly they looked up and in through the window at me. It was odd, how you get the sudden feeling like you are connected, even though you have no clue who these people are. They all started forward and moved to come into the store.

They came in, moved around some, but everytime I would look up at them, they would be looking at me. It was odd. I felt like I should know them or at least recognize them, or even one of them, but I didn't. After a little while, they came up to the register, all together in their group. When I realized that they had nothing to purchase. They just came up to the register and stood there. I looked down at my hands, I really was not sure what to do.

Suddenly I heard talking. I looked up, thinking that they might be asking me to find something. And I realized that their lips were not moving. I startled. But I watched in fasination as they appeared to be having a conversation, that I could hear, even though none of them were actually talking.

"I think she is the one." The brunette said.

"I am not sure." One of the blondes said.

"She has the look and the feel." Another blonde added.

Suddenly, the other blonde looked startled, "oh my god, I think she can hear us!"

The brunette laughed. Then suddenly looked quite serious. "Yes, I think she is the one." She smiled at me then. The entire time I felt like I was in an alternate reality. Suddenly, they left as quickly through the door as they had come. I watched as they  reached the parking lot, their backs were to me. The brunette turned around one last time, and smiled. And then they just disappeared. Just like that. They were there, then they weren't.

These new incidents are reminding me greatly of these women.

I wished I knew what this had all been about.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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