Chronicle 28

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I have truthfully forgotten what it feels like to see the small things, to touch magick, to see the good in everything and to overlook the bad. To search and find the good, no matter how small or forgotten. All I see is the anger, the frustration. My life is being ripped apart and I suffer. I am so tired of suffering.

I want to be free again. I want to see with the eyes and the heart of a child. Suddenly, those words make so much more sense to me now. To see with the eyes of a child, is to see promise and hope. We lose that when we despair. We lose the ability to find what is right and what truth is. Our happiness fades and our lives grey. I want to see that happiness again.

I don’t want to be this person. I am tired of being this person. It drains me. Drains every part of me. I feel like I have aged, in eons. It is work, and pain and frustration. I do not like living here. I dream of better things. But even my dreams have begun to dry up and fade away. They do not come to bring me hope. I search for the Truth that I have lost and I pray that it is not too late to find my way and to bring my children into Truth.

They deserve better and are better. They are the future. And the pull of change is hard on them. We are all feeling it now. The balance needs to be found. The miracles seen, and the Magick reborn...

© 2013, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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