Chronicle 12

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So here I am in school. Elementary school. Learning the history of mankind, of the world. And knowing that it is all wrong. Even though the ability to use the knowledge is gone, the memories remain. Outside of school, the differences are even more.

Listening to the Bible. Knowing that it is only an interpretation of the Truth, and mans version at that! But no longer knowing how I knew that this was true. Like volumes of Truth that were stored inside my head only now the pages were one after another washed white. Holding them to light, the remainder of words visible, but unreadable.

I could tell you stories of the Truth, but could not prove an ounce of it to you. Yet I knew with every beat of my heart, that it was right.

Always one step out of time, out of rhythm...

© 2013, Aelfwynn MacGregor

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