...Back Again From Then...

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...Your future, my now...

The world is so different now. And it is not just the select few that see the changes or feel them anymore. Existence, reality, it has all slowed down so much. People fear. You can smell it on them. Still they have no acceptance, even though it is happening rigpht before their very eyes. They think that it is all some type of illusion some hallunication? Really? Who do they think would be pulling the strings then? Oh I've heard the best of them.

Alien invasion.

Government conspiracies.

People can be so unbelievable some times. The world is changing. The time is almost here to embrace it. Is chance so difficult that people would rather die than embrace it? The evangelists are saying that it is end times, that we are being punished for your sins. Maybe the sins part is right.. But we are not being punished. He is giving us a gift.  We are living in an age of His creation, His change. People need to open their eyes. I am preparing us for it. The children are always more accepting than the adults. There is also a lot of stress on our bodies right now. People see it as illness, but it is only reshaping, preparing. Changing to accept the event. Health will be without consequence in the future. Only healthiness.

We are water, we are of the earth. The earth will change, we must change to survive it. I can feel the pull and the stretch. My body changes even now as I write these words. My mother is going through it, so is my sister and my father. I think my brothers are just beginning. I am glad that they are not as pigheaded as others. They could be.

My children are all going through it. I think that it is easier for them. They are just so much more accepting, so more innocent. The change pulls on us. Shifts our personalities and makes us shudder as we experience the cascade effect.

My husband. He is different. Not by far an unbeliever. But more so a believer that takes action in the moment. He seems to be going through it quite forcefully. I hurt for him. But I know that in the end. He will be where he needs to be. Safe.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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