Chronicle 27

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I feel hollow. I realize that I am not who I am supposed to be. That my life is not where it is supposed to be. I feel it swallowing me whole and a darkeness devouring me inside. I am so desperate to find myself and who I am. I have this life I have been living on the hopes of love and dreams and it is shattering under the weight of this deception that has begun to encompass every aspect of my life. My children are falling under the darkeness, under the chaos.

We need freedom and I feel, deep down inside, that freedom is going to be a massive break from what this reality is now.

Corruption is so deep. It runs so deep within veins and lives.

I don’t want this anymore but I am so afraid to walk away.

I am being destroyed under this weight. And I don’t want to just disappear.

I once Believed in the Truth of Magick. And I miss God in my core.

This life is fracturing. I feel like I have hidden within so deep that I can barely find whom I am and I know that I am terrified of being who I really am. So much power, so much Truth. But I can’t hide anymore, I am dying. It is killing me.

© 2013, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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