Chronicle 19

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  • Dedicated to Colt Mason

I hate that we are prisoners of our own hearts. That the vessel within us that is destined to provide us with the ultimate joy of the human existence, can be turned into a weapon of ultimate destruction. The human heart can cause far more damage than any virus or weapon could.

Humans are breed for emotions, for the raw consumption of love, pleasure, compassion and passion. These are the emotions, the motives that make life a passionate affair and existence. Without these, our lives are an illusion of life.

Somehow, somewhere, these concepts have become lost. Pushed aside in the persuit of something better. There is nothing better.

There is nothing that we can take into eternity with us, except the accumulation of the lifetime of emotions we have lived and experienced. They are our lifeline to us, to our spiritual existence. What is the point of eternity, if we take nothing with us to thrive upon. Have we become so lost as a species, that none of the vitality of true life, of living, is what is important anymore?

I feel sad, and lost...

What kind of a world are we living in, breeding in and leaving behind? What is our purpose when we fall away from Truth, from Grace?

I cry for what we are leaving behind and for what we have become. And I cry for our children.

© 2013, Aelfwynn MacGregor

© 2013, Aelfwynn MacGregor

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