Chapter 9 secrets spilled

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I wake up and look at the clock. It's only three in the morning. I get up and go downstairs to get a drink. I see that Ross has passed out on the couch where I left him. I decide to go over and wake him to see if he will go upstairs and lay down.

"Ross" I say poking him.

"Ughxsfhbl" Ross moans and pulls me onto the couch with him.

I couldn't get away from him even if I wanted to because he had his arms wrapped around me tightly. I was loving every moment of this and five minutes later I was fast asleep.

I woke up to Ross groaning and the sound of giggles. I open my eyes to see Rydel laughing at Rocky taking a picture of me and Ross. I get up and slap Rocky in the back of the head.

"Hey!" Rocky yells at me.

"That's what you get for taking a picture of me."

"Brittany can you come outside to the pool with me?" Ross says nervously.

"Um... Sure?"I say a little curious as to why he is nervous.

I walk out and Ross is behind me. He comes up behind me and puts his arms around me. I look up at him just as his lips crash onto mine. Instantly I felt sparks. It was amazing. He pulled away with a huge smile on his face and said "Please tell me you felt that too."

"Yeah I did." I say smiling up at him.

"Brittany the first time I saw you I instantly fell in love with you and yes you heard me right I said in love with you. I just hope that you feel the same way. I thought that you didn't until that kiss."Ross says while looking me in the eyes.

"Ross I'm in love with you too." I see relief in his eyes.

We stand their staring at each other when he pulls me in for another kiss. I feel that spark again and we pull apart breathless.

"Ross I think we should go back inside"

"Not until I do this!" He says picking me up and throwing me into the pool but I grab a hold of his shirt and pull him in with me.

"Thanks for that" Ross says sarcastically.

"Your welcome!" I says while pulling myself out of the pool.

"Hey Brittany." Ross says getting out of the pool.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes I would love to!" I say running over to him and jump into his arms.

He kisses me passionately and we pull apart hearing someone say awwww. Rydel and all the guys were standing there smiling at Ross.

"Dude we thought you would never get a girl." Rocky says jokingly.

"Haha very funny Rocky!" Ross says while punching him in the arm.

We all head back into the house. I go get changed in mine and Rydels room. When I walked back in the kitchen I saw three people I never thought I would see again.

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