Act 4, Scene 3

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You open your eyes and stare up at the straw ceiling above you. With a loud yawn, you sit up on the side of your bed and stretch a little. Everything hurts... Who would have guessed that something that sounded as relaxing as fishing would be such hard work?! Well, at least we got a lot done yesterday. Kapp'n looked really pleased with our progress! After the fishing permit went through the Mayor's office, you returned to the beach and Kapp'n worked you mercilessly until midnight, catching tons of fish and hauling them into a cooler of ice. Were it not for the great pay, I'd say I almost regret taking this job! You think bitterly.

The one thing that did keep you from regret was your conversation with Serena yesterday. Sure, she brought up more questions than answers, but some answers are always good! You figure you have the time to squeeze some more information out of her later, anyways.

You do a few more stretches, then take a quick shower and change into some fresh clothes. You walk out your rental shack and take a walk along Terra's shoreline. The bell chimes, indicating that it's 8 AM; there's still about an hour before you need to report in to Kapp'n for work.

You start heading towards the fountain to meet Serena. She didn't seem willing to reveal too much, but you think you could wear her down over the time you are in Terra. I guess it'd also be nice to check in on her and say hi... But first-- You turn around and rush back into the shack and come back out with the basket of cherry pies Ai had given you yesterday. I'm sure it'd be good to share some with Serena as well! You leave the beach and start walking inland towards Serena's fountain.


The fountain plaza start coming into view, and you hear some leaves rustle behind you. An arm reaches around your shoulders and slides from right to left; you feel a tail brush against your thigh as the animal walks around you. A feminine voice purrs in your ear. "Long time, no see, Slick..."

You turn around and take a few steps back to see who she is. You see a fox in a simple white dress to match her clean, white fur. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" you manage to say, flustered. "I think you have the wrong guy; my name is Lance."

The fox giggles. "Oh, please! Don't be like that, Slick. I know it's been a long time since we've seen each other, but you couldn't have forgotten me that quickly!"

It's been a long time? Could she be someone I knew from before Sanctuary? She knows my old name, after all! You calm yourself down and try to flirt with the fox. "Well, if knew someone as lovely as you are, I'm fairly sure I would remember them, but it has been a long while... Remind me of your name again?" You put on your best smile, but you can't help but feel slightly awkward.

The fox twists her face in a mix of disgust and anger. "You even forgot my name?!? How could you!" She begins to raise her voice.

The sudden change in her demeanor catches you off guard. "I-I'm sorry! I wish I could remember you, but I've lost a lot of my memories..."

"Oh, I see how it is! You're just playing dumb, aren't you? You probably ran away and found some other girl, didn't you?" She scoffs, "You have some nerve talking to me at all!"

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