Act 2, Scene 8

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As you head back up to where Nookington's is, you spot Rover walking in the distance.

You decide to walk over and see what he's up to. "Hey Rover! How are things going?"

"Oh Lance! It's you..." Rover seems to be in deep thought. Something is obviously troubling him. "Sorry if I seem a little out of it, I'm just-... I'm just trying to figure out what's going on with all these murders lately..." He then shakes his head and smiles. "But I guess it's good that you're trying to have a normal life with all of this going on! Someone needs to make sure Sanctuary remains sane." He laughs.

"Yeah I guess you're right!"

"Anyways, I'm sure there was something you wanted to talk about, right?" You nod. "You got some work from Kapp'n?" He smiles. Dammit, how the heck is he so good at this stuff! You don't remember ever telling him about Kapp'n or the job you got.

"Yeah. How'd you know about that?"

"You're coming from the docks area, and you seem to be a bit more cheery than usual. And it's definitely not Ai that's got you that happy." He laughs. "I just figured you got a job with Kapp'n. So what's the old man's scheme this time?"

You explain Kapp'n's offer and the large sum of money you'd be getting. You also explain how you're not sure about leaving town for so long. Rover rubs his chin. "Hmm... That is a tough choice." He pauses to think. "Well, if you want my opinion, you should stay here. We might need your help figuring all this out. Plus there's also Ai. With all that's going on, I know I can make sure she and Rosie are safe while you're gone, but... I'm sure Ai would like you to be around rather than me, you know?"

You laugh. "Well that's true, you and Ai aren't exactly best friends, but I trust you, Rover. Plus, you two could become close if you both just retract the claws, so to speak. But I see where you're coming from. I might be able to help with your investigation." You pause and think. "But then again, maybe this island I have to go to might have some clues as to what's going on." You sigh, frustrated. "I really don't know what to do."

"Hmmm..." Rover purrs. "That is true. Just think hard, though. What do you feel you should do? You can stay here, or take the job. Whatever you choose, I can't stop you." He pats you on the shoulder.

You still need to talk to Ai and Rosie about all of this, so you decide to put off any final decisions until then. "I'm heading over to Nookington's to meet up with Rosie and Ai, wanna come?" You ask Rover.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt. My search for clues wasn't exactly going anywhere." He shakes his head. "Let's go." You nod and walk with Rover.

"So, you know who the victims were last night, right Lance?" Rover asks you on the way.

You think back to last night when Rover burst into the Police station. "Oh yeah, you had said you found 'another.'" You look down. "It was Kid Cat, right? And that other girl... Robin, was it?"

Rover nods his head. He doesn't seem surprised that you knew. "Yeah, I found Robin first, and then Kid Cat. I wouldn't have guessed that he was next." He shakes his head. "I really hope we get to the bottom of this before anyone else we know gets hurt... I didn't want to pull this on you, but if you really do want my opinion, I think you should stick around here. I could really use your help getting to the bottom of all these murders here."

You feel he's right, but all you can manage to say in response is, "Yeah... I guess..." You really should see what Ai and Rosie think first before finalizing anything. You and Rover start walking towards Nookington's.


Once at Nookington's, you head upstairs and find Ai and Rosie, who are happily trying on clothes and testing different types of furniture. Immediately, the mood lightens, and the four of you spend a bit of time just relaxing and having fun. Finally, Ai brings up Kapp'n.

"So Lance, what happened with Kapp'n? He didn't have any work for you today?"

"Not today, no. Actually... He's got a big job coming up: a two month fishing trip!" Ai doesn't look too excited about you going away for that long, but then you tell her the major selling point. "The pay for the job is insanely high! I'd be set for a long time! What do you think? Will you be okay with me gone for that long?"

Ai seemed to perk up a little. "Th- that's great, Lance! You're definitely going to need the money to pay off your house, right? Who knows, maybe you'll be able to get your house expanded! I mean... I'm not excited that you're going to be gone for so long, though.." She smiles, trying to look happy for you. "But that's just me being selfish, right?" She laughs.

Rosie seems to have the same feelings. "We're gonna miss you though, silly! Coffee at The Roost won't be as fun!" She laughs. "But at least Rover will be around, right? We won't be totally alone." Ai glares at Rover, and Rover glares back. They really don't get along, do they?

Finally, Rover eases up and laughs. "It's alright, Ai, I'm not as set on ruining your life as you think! I'm willing to quit teasing you so much. Maybe just a little bit."

Ai rolls her eyes, but sighs. "Whatever..." She then turns to look at you. "So what are you going to do about his job? Are you really going to take it?"

"I think-" You hesitate to consider your options. "I think I'll take the job." Of course I'm going to! Why would I consider otherwise! This trip could mean some great changes in my life! You're not sure why you hesitated. Then you look around at everyone. You notice Rover has his eyes fixed on you, almost disapprovingly. But he quickly notices you're looking at him, and shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

Ai has a similar reaction to Rover. "I'm going to miss you, Lance..." She quietly says, looking at the floor. Her sadness is short-lived as she quickly perks back up. "But I know this job is something you really should do! Just don't forget about us, alright?" She smiles weakly, and you can see her eyes watering slightly. You feel like giving her a hug or something just to comfort her, but you then think of Rosie. It just doesn't feel right to be rubbing in your relationship while trying to keep Rosie's mind off of Kid Cat.

Perceptive as always, Rover fills in for you. "Don't worry, Ai." He says as he puts a hand on her shoulder. "Lance will be back before we know it!"

Ai turns her head and looks at Rover almost disgustedly. "I said I'd play nice, but that doesn't mean you can touch me!" She brushes Rover's hand off.

You can't help but laugh. "Don't worry Ai, I'll be fine! And there's no way I'd forget!" You turn to Rosie. "You gonna be fine too, right?"

She nods and smiles widely. "Just come back as soon as you can! Things will get boring if you're not around, silly!"

"Yeah, and whatever you do, don't take any trains." Rover says sarcastically. Not funny...


With all of that settled, you leave Nookington's. Strangely enough, Tom Nook wasn't anywhere to be seen, but you figured it was for the best. He'd probably either sell you something, or remind you of the money you owe him.

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