Act 3 (Part 2), Scene 5b

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Note: This was an alternate segment of the story I had come up with as an April Fools Day joke... It's not something to be taken seriously, and isn't relevant to the actual plot... or is it?

When you arrive at the train station it is around 6 PM. The bell chimes as the hands on the clock move into position. Everything has a slight orange glow because of the sunset. As you walk inside the station, you see that it's completely empty, just like it was when you arrived a little over four days ago. Nothing, huh? You frown. "Seems awfully normal to me."

"That's the problem." Rover says scratching his chin. "Let's see if anyone is around." He walks towards the counter, where there is a faint light. You follow him, and see a monkey sitting behind a glass pane. "Hello there, Porter!"

Porter smiles widely. I doubt poor Porter gets to see many people throughout the day. You think to yourself as you look around the deserted station. "Good evening, Rover!" His voice crackles through a speaker. He then looks over Rover's shoulder and spots you. "And hello there, Ai!"

"Hi Porter, how are you doing?" You smile and wave back in response as you walk up next to Rover. You never talked to Porter too often, but he was a nice enough guy.

"I'm doing well!" He says cheerfully. "So, what can I do for you two this evening?"

"We were wondering about all of our neighbors that have been leaving every day." Rover answers. "Can you tell us where they've been going?"

"I can't say what their final destinations are, but any trains leaving Sanctuary must go to the City because of construction. But even without the construction, most people traveled to the City... Right, Ai?"

"Right..." It's not like there were too many places to go to, anyways. The City was the most lively place within a good fifty mile radius.

"So that's it? Everyone has just gone on to the City from here?" Rover asks. He doesn't seem too impressed with this explanation.

"That's right! I can't say for sure that they're all are staying in the City, though. There are a bunch of places further beyond there, too!" Rover sighs. It's obvious you're not going to get too much out of Porter. 

"Thanks anyways, Porter. We've just been a bit curious about why so many people have been leaving Sanctuary. It seems a bit strange... Almost as though they were ghosts." You drop a subtle clue about your true intentions, hoping Porter will react somehow.

Porter laughs. "That's a funny idea, Ai! Everyone leaving these past few days seemed quite alive to me! Feel free to take a look around some more, if you'd like! The next train isn't arriving until tomorrow morning!"

"I was just thinking of taking a look there..." Rover says with a smile. "Thanks for your time, Porter." He turns around and heads towards the train tracks.

"It's been a pleasure, Rover." He replies with a tip of his conductor's hat.

You follow Rover to the platform and look over the edge. The drop down to the tracks looks to be around 8 feet. You see a small, shiny object. Is that-- "Hey Rover!" You call him over and point it out. "Is that a key?"

Rover squints. "Yeah, it looks like it is! I wonder what something like that is doing down there!" He gets down onto the ground and starts to slide off the platform. "Help me down, Ai."

"Okay." You grab his hand and lower him down gently onto the tracks.

Rover bends down and picks up the object. "It definitely is a key!" He shouts up to you. He looks straight ahead at the platform wall. "And I think I found the lock it belongs to! There's a secret passage locked by a grate!"

"What?!?" You can't believe it's this easy! "Try unlocking it!"

"No, Ai, I'm just going to stare at it all evening!" Rover scoffs. He walks over to the lock and inserts the key. "That's odd... It fits, but it seems to be jammed." You hear the clanging of metal. "Come on!" Rover cries out in frustration.

"Try harder! Or do you need me to come down th--" You freeze when you hear it. The whistle of a train. You look to your right and glowing red in the dusk is a train with a single light on its front. No way...

"Hey! I though the next train wasn't until tomorrow morning!!!" Rover cries out frantically as he reaches his hands upward. "Ai! Help me up! It should be here in less than a minute!"

You quickly lower your arm down, but Rover's hand is just out of reach. He jumps up, and you grab onto his hand. "I got you!" You say cheerfully as you pull him up. You finally get him onto the platform, and you're both breathing heavily. You lay on your back and stare at the ceiling.

"Thanks, Ai. I owe you one." Rover pants. "If it weren't for you, I'd be--" You hear him grunt and yell out "No!" You then hear a thud.

You shoot up and look to see Porter, his face much darker than the cheery monkey you were just talking to a few moments ago. "That was a close one. We can't have you figuring things out, now can we?"

"You!" You get onto one knee and throw a punch towards him. Porter blocks it without flinching and kicks you off the platform as well.

You find yourself lying next to Rover, who is holding his sides in pain. Beyond him, you see the train, fast approaching. "Ai... I'm sorry--" Rover coughs. "it has to end like this."

You struggle to get up. "No, Rover! We're not done yet! We can still get out of this!" You cry out frantically. This can't be it! Lance! You start to cry.

Porter laughs from above. "Sorry, but this is as far as either of you go." Something about his smile is horribly wrong.

"Have a nice trip!" are the last words you hear before it's all over.


Animal Crossing: Stolen MemoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora