Act 2, Scene 7

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Curiosity gets the best of you and before you know it, you're already halfway down the stairs. Once at the bottom you're greeted by utter darkness.

There's no light down here? You think about retreating, but something compels you to move forward. You cautiously walk around in search for potential light. As you walk around, you find yourself getting deeper and deeper into the darkness.

"Who goes there?"

You nearly jump out of your pants. You quickly turn around to run, but you know running is futile in a situation like this. You remain still. "H-Hello?" you manage to say. You are met with silence.

Suddenly, you hear what appears to be a generator turning on. Within seconds, the lights flash on.

You find yourself in a wide open room. The floor is made of hard stone, while the walls are rather plain and white. You see strange machines and equipment littered across the walls. There are also some more bookcases, a large sink, and...a bed?

You turn around to meet the owner of the voice. He appears to be an ostrich. Something seems off about him, though.

"You better have a good reason for coming here!" the ostrich shouts. You notice something odd about the ostrich's face. It looks almost like it's made out of metal.

You nearly jump backwards. You have to admit, you are pretty scared.

"O-Oh, I just wandered off in here by mistake!" you explain. "I'll leave now if you want me to!" The ostrich gives you a stern look. He sighs.

"Settle down, kid." he says. "You're not in any trouble. At least- not yet."

You both stare at each other. You cannot comprehend who he is, or why Gaston has an underground laboratory.

"I am Sprocket!" he finally announces. "The world's first half ostrich, half robot!"

What does this guy mean? You've heard of cyborgs before, but you never believed they existed!

"I was once an ordinary ostrich!" he continues, noticing your confusion. "But a brutal accident left me damaged for life! Gaston found me, and offered to change my life forever!" He points at his robotic body parts, which include his head and parts of his body. "After a long and painful process, I was patched up. Alas, I was not the same!"

You look around the room. You realize that Gaston must be some kind of mad scientist or something. You can understand why he would want to hide this aspect of his life from the others.

"Because I have no home, Gaston has been kind enough to let me stay here for a little while, on the condition that I do not reveal my presence to anyone in town. I have not been outside in over three months!"

"So what exactly did happen to you?" you casually ask. "I mean. What happened in that little accident of yours?" You aren't sure if this is an appropriate question to ask. Sprocket stares at you with no emotion.

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