Act 1, Scene 5

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You arrive at the train station and help Cesar, Winnie, Peggy, and Vladimir move their stuff onto the train. You say your goodbyes, when suddenly a voice behind you cries out, "Hey wait! Where do you think you're going without saying goodbye, silly?!?" You turn around to see Rosie running towards the train, where she leaps onto her friends and hugs them all. "I'm going to miss all of you!" she says as tears start filling her eyes.

Winnie comforts her. "Don't worry; you have a ton of friends here, like Lance. And there will be even more to come, I'm sure."

After a tearful goodbye, you and Rosie watch the train leave. You only then notice that Rosie was not alone. Next to her is a girl with red hair tied up in a bun, wearing a flowery dress. Even more surprising, she was a human! Once the train is out of sight, Rosie stops waving and acknowledges your presence. "Oh! Hi Lance! Sorry about last night and this morning, silly. Coffee doesn't exactly do the best for me so late at night."

The girl next to her, her eyes fixated on you, clears her throat loudly. Rosie's eyes go wide. "Oh sorry! Ai, this is Lance! I told you about him right, silly?"

Ai smiles widely as she continues to look at you. "Hi! I'm Ai, like 'A, E, I, O, U.' Ai! Nice to meet you!" She's a bit goofy like Rosie, but overall seems a bit more... Mature. She holds out her hand.

You take Ai's hand, and instead of shaking it, you pull it up to your mouth and gently kiss it. "Is a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Ai."

Ai giggles and turns as red as her hair. "Well, well... What a gentleman! I never thought I'd meet any other humans in Sanctuary! But please, just call me Ai. 'Miss' is too formal." She smiles. Out of the corner of your eye you see Rosie's shocked face, and from the looks of it, slightly jealous too. Then your eyes are again drawn back to Ai's large brown eyes. You feel your face turn slightly red as well.

Rosie then butts in. "Hey! Lance!" She snaps you back to reality. "Where did you end up going this morning? You left so early, so I was kinda worried."

"Oh, it was nothing. Tommy Nook had lost his brother, so I had gone to help find him." Both Rosie and Ai look awed at your sense of caring. "So then I went to the Police Station and it ended up that Timmy was there! And..." You think about having seen Rover at the Police Station... Was I imagining things? I don't think Rover would be at the Police Station...

You push Rover from your mind and continue. No point in dwelling on something that may or may not have happened. "Yeah, so after that I headed over to the Cafe real quick, then went over to the lighthouse. Apparently there's a rumor about a strange man in a cloak that is there every night, so I decided to look around. But it turns out it's all just a myth. That's where I ran into Cesar, Winnie, Vladimir, and Peggy. Aaand here we are."

Ai is first to respond. "Sounds like you've already had a pretty busy day!" You nod. Then Rosie asks "Did you settle your housing issue?"

"Oh yeah! I did meet up with Tom Nook after I was at the Police station. He arranged for me to buy a house, I'm supposed to meet him around 8 PM and move in!" You then think about where Ai is going to stay. "Hey Ai... Where are you going to be living? Are you going to be staying with Rosie, or getting a house of your own?"

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