Act 3, Scene 1

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You part ways with Rosie, Ai, and Rover for now, promising to meet up later in the evening.

It looks like you'll need some new clothes for the trip. It wouldn't hurt to check out the Able Sisters, and see what they have in stock. You have time to kill, anyway...

You make your way to the Able Sisters. The warm summer air fills your body as you walk to your destination. The weather couldn't be any more beautiful. Hopefully the weather will stay this way during your travels.

You arrive at the Able Sisters shop, but before you are able to enter, you see someone exiting the store. The "someone" in question, is none other than Booker.

The large bull-dog catches you looking at him. He glares at you. "Good afternoon, sir," he greets you, coldly. You've never actually talked to Booker one-on-one before. You suddenly feel nervous, for some strange reason.

"Good afternoon to you, too," you simply reply back. You wonder... What kind of business did Booker have with the Able Sisters? You can't help but think.

"Oh by the way," Booker continues, staring at you straight in the eye while doing so. "Copper wants you back at the station tonight. He wants to talk to you about something... I think."

You haven't told Copper about your "plans" yet. You wonder how he would take the news. You run over the conversation in your mind, the options don't sound too good.

"Are you okay?" Booker asks, snapping you out of your trance.

"Uh- yeah!" You blurt out, taken by surprise. Booker raises an eyebrow. You quickly compose yourself. "I'll stop by the station tonight. What time should I drop in?"

"Whenever you're free should work, I think... Copper would probably appreciate it if you stop by as soon as possible, I think..." He doesn't sound very sure of himself. "Anyways, I best be on my way now. Good day." He nods, salutes, and marches away at a brisk pace.

Well that was strange... You wonder what Copper would want to talk to you about. On top of that, it was weird to see Booker here at the Able Sister's shop. You dismiss your thoughts for now and enter the shop. Immediately, Mabel greets you with a warm smile and "Welcome!" You can see Sable smile slightly too. You take that as some sort of greeting. It's a start...

"Do you have anything in particular you'd like to get today, Lance?" Mabel asks.

"Oh nothing too special, Mabel, just looking for some extra clothes," you tell her, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Oh that's right, your big boating trip, right?" Mabel asks. How does she- "Oh don't be too surprised, Kapp'n was just here about an hour ago buying some stuff too. He just wouldn't stop talking about this trip and his new assistant!" Mabel laughs. "I had a hunch that he was talking about you, Lance! But that's enough of that..." Mabel switches back to a business-like tone. "Feel free to browse around and let me know if anything catches your eye!"

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