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Elana's POV
It was now Monday and I just came home from a long day at school. Didn't get into shit at school for once in my life. Once I was home I went into my room and immediately changed into some sweatpants. I opened my laptop and went on YouTube. I watched a couple of videos to pass time. My favourite youtuber was Superwoman and Shane Dawson, they're just so funny.
"Elana" I heard my dad scream from downstairs.
"What?" I screamed back.
"Ughh hold on" he answered, before I knew it he was in my room.
"So, fury said that if you wanted we could go today, to start the process"
"Ya perfect"
"You sure? You don't have to do anything, homework?" He said and I just gave him a look.
"Right I forgot Elana stark doesn't do homework"
"Damn right"
"I just want you to know that there's no going back after this, I just want you to be sure"
"I am sure, now let's go" I said as I got up from my bed and started walking with my crutches.

At shield
We had just got into shield and we were making our way into the room.
"Elana I really want you to be sure about this"
"Dad I'm sure stop asking me, my opinion is not going to change"
"I'm sorry but I saw the video of you, you looked like hell"
"Well thanks dad for the optimism, I'm supposed to be the cynical one not you"
"I'm not being cynical just logical, with all you've been through, I don't want to see you suffer through more"
"I'll be fine" I said as we walked in the room.
"Okay Elana, if we're gonna do this I have a couple of things to say first" fury said
"First of all, the minute we start this we can stop at any time, this will be painful and you will probably feel trapped, after this session we can stop, you don't have to remember everything and keep-"
"Look can we get on with this I heard the speech I know I'll be fine" I said
"Alright alright, lie down on this" he said and pointed to the mat. I laid down onto it and they put a mask type thing over my head.
"Alright let's go" he said. I suddenly felt a piercing pain on my lower head. It felt like someone was digging into my skull. I tried hard to not concentrate on the pain but it was bad, really bad.
Immediately I saw myself in a room. I couldn't make out where the room was but I was in it and i must have been 8-9. I was pacing around and someone came in. I looked up but I couldn't recognize him, it was a hydra soldier. They told me that they were glad to have me and we were going to be great together. He left and I was left in the small room. I looked scared, i felt scared. Someone else came in but he was different then the last person, he looked scarier.
"Yes what do you want?" I asked.
"Someone of your skill set, you could probably kill all of us"
"I've got a feeling you wouldn't let that happen" i said to him.
"Well this is why we have to install some sort of fear in you"
"Fear? I don't think you could screw me up more than I already am"
"You haven't met hydra then"
"What are you guys anyways?"
"They really keep you cooped up in there, we're here to instal a new order, the right one, to eliminate shield"
"God girl you don't know anything, do you?"
"I've been held against my will for four years now, sorry I'm not up to date with everything"
"It's not important, what is though, is that you don't leave or kill us, in order to install fear in you we instal pain"
"So What your going to torture me"
"Well physical pain for sure but emotional pain as well"
"How about WE start with a good old beating"
"Do your worst macho man"'
We started fighting, since we were in such a small space and I had nothing but my fist, he was beating the shit out of me. I started moving and screaming, This felt so real, I took my hand and touched me face and felt blood dripping from it.
"All hail hydra" he kept repeating. Kick after kick, I felt so weak. It was like everything was intensified because of this thing. I soon lost consciousness and drifted off to sleep. Once I woke up, I found myself strapped down to a metal table. Oh here we go again I thought.
"Hello Elana, I don't believe we've met" a creepy looking man said.
"Anyone ever tell you how creepy you sound?" I asked him.
"Well you've still got humour, we'll fix that"
"Who's we, what do you want with me" I demanded.
"You've been shut off from the world, your practically a new born baby but with skills, your deadly"
"So? I want to live my life away from you people, indépendant, why the hell can i not do that"
"For a nine year old, You Sure have got a mouth on you"
"I may look nine but trust me I grew up fast"
"There's no doubt about that, we think you would be a great asset to us"
"Like I said earlier, your deadly, many people would like to get a hold of you, wouldn't want you falling into the wrong hands"
"That's ironic"
"Why do you say that?"
"Your telling me about falling into the wrong hands when I'm strapped to a table and was beaten yesterday"
" well we need you to cooperate, hail hydra remember"
"As a hydra person, agent, assassin whatever what do you want me to do"
" exactly what you did in the red room, except for a bigger cause, a better one"
"I was in the red room against my will, I escaped until you monsters got a hold of me"
"Your an assassin, why is it so hard for you to comply"
"Because I was trained to be an assassin, doesn't mean I'm not human beside the fact that I'm nine years old"
"Well then I guess we go to plan b"
"Which is, let me guess, torture?"
"Correct" he said. He left briefly and came back with a sharp, long looking needle.
"You see this needle, it's special it heightens any emotion, and pain that you feel"
"Well fun then"
"Did I mention that it also paralyzes you" he said as he stabbed me with the needle. I immediately felt it. I couldn't move, I felt like I was trapped. Suddenly I could feel a sharp pain from chest, it felt as if someone was taking a knife and stabbing in the heart and then turning the knife. It was extenuating and I suddenly felt frightened like I've never felt before. Every time the man moved, I blink.
"How long does this last?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"As long as I want, so what happened to your mom?"
"I don't know, I was kidnapped when I was 5" I said tears forming in my eyes.
"So your mom is a sensitive subject"
"No it isn't" I said quickly. I immediately felt that knife again.
"Yes it is, the red room stripped you away from everything you knew, they took you from your mother and made you kill, you killed people who didn't deserve it and that makes you a monster" he said harshly.
"No, your wrong I've done bad things but I'm good, not bad" I said tears falling out of my eyes. I didn't even know why I was crying. I just know that I couldn't stop. Everything was so painful, it felt like all the times I was hurt put into one moment. I was drifting in and out of the simulation. Finally I opened my eyes to see my dad in front of me. "I don't know if I can let you do that again" he told me.
"Just can we go home" I said and he nodded. I got out the chair and walked past the staring faces and walked straight to the car. My dad and I got in silently and no one said a word.
"Elana I'm not going to force you to talk but you don't have to do this again"
"Yes I do" I answered confidently.
"Why what do you have to prove, that your strong because we know, you don't need to prove that"
"I need to know what happened, these memories actually happened to me this isn't a dream, it's real, I can't live my life without knowing what happened"
"Why not?"
"Because it was a big part of my life, it's probably what led me to be this way, besides the red room"
"But is it worth all that pain?"
"I lived through it once I can do it again" I said. After I said that it was silent the whole way back. We had finally gotten home and it was around 7. I was exhausted. I passed everyone in the living room and went straight for my room. When I got there, Natasha was sitting on my bed.
"Umm what are you doing here?" I asked
"I just wanted to know how it was?"
"It was fine" I answered annoyingly.
"Fine? Recovering your memories from hydra was fine? I find that hard to believe"
"What do you want me to say, it was a fucking party"
"They really did a number on you didn't they"
"How the hell did you turn out SO normal, and I'm so fucked we went to the same place" I said frustrated.
"Normal? You think I'm normal?" She scoffed.
"You look pretty fucking normal to me"
"Honey if your definition of normal is me then we've got a problem" she laughed.

"I'm serious, how do you do it?"

"The same way you do, i keep it in, trust me it doesn't work you'll explode, hell you already have, talk to someone, me?"

"I can't, it's not in my nature, it's better to forget"

"That's what you don't get, you'll never forget, it'll always be there in the back of your mind"

"Look can we do this another time, im tired"

"Alright, goodnight" she said as she walked out.  I looked at the door and stared and just thought. I took out my cellphone and immediately called josh.
"Hello" he said
"Hey babe, can I come over?"
"Sure my parents are not home"
"Alright I'll see you soon" I said and hung up. I changed into some sweatpants and a loose top and got out of the room. I made my way to the elevator with my stupid crutches. "I'm going to ceces" I yelled.
"When will you BE back?" MY dad yelled back.
"I don't know 1"
"Don't stay out to late"
"Alright bye" i said and left. I made my way outside and took a cab cause I was way to lazy to drive. Once I got to Josh's house, I rang the doorbell. His little brother answered. "ELANA" he screamed and hugged me.
"Hiiiii" I said trying my best to sound excited even though all I wanted right now was to sleep. Josh came downstairs.
"Well hi, you look like crap" he said.
"Ya well that'll happen to you when you rediscover memories"
"That was today?"
"Yup" I said
"Come here" he said and pulled me closer to him and gave me a hug.
"Are you okay?" He asked as we walked upstairs.
"Im fine" I answered following right behind him.
"I knew you were gonna say that, I don't even know why I bother asking"
"Can we just lie on your bed?" I asked.
"Ya sure" he said as he grabbed me and laid next to me on the bed.
"What's up?" He asked
"I just came from recovering a memory, something from hydra..."
"Shit, are you okay?"
"I mean I'm as good as I'll ever be"
"I really think I'm starting to get somewhere with you"
"What do You mean?"
"Well your not as guarded as before, your letting me in"
"Look okay I just want to get my mind off it, i don't want to think about it"
"I get it, you want to watch a movie?"
"Sure let's watch something funny"
"Okay what about why him?"
"Okay sure" I said as he went to get his laptop. He brought his laptop on his lap and started the movie. As the movie started I quickly dozed off and fell asleep.

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