Digging up more from the past

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Elana's POV
it was Friday, yes you heard me say it right, Friday. I had just gotten home from school and I was so happy, nothing could ruin my mood. I was having a great afternoon in my room, watching Netflix until I heard a knock on my door followed by someone walking in.

"Hey" my dad said

"Look we need to talk" he continued

"Save it" I said not looking up from my laptop.

"I'm serious elana"

"I'm done talking"

"Elana please, I don't want to fight anymore" he said while sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Ugh what do you want?" I said as I closed my laptop.

"I want to know if your okay"

"Oh god I'm fine would you quit worrying"

"Elana in this month alone a bunch of people have died and well your just pushing it away"

"I dealt with it in my way and now I'm fine"

"You mean by drinking"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Ooh cut the bullshit elana I did the same thing for a really long time"

"Well how'd you stop"


"Yeah honestly"

"I met pepper she gave me a reality check"

"Well that's great"

" look there's also Isabella"

"What about her?" I asked curiously

"Me and pepper can't adopt her-"

"Well that's great thanks for nothing"

"If you would have let me finish we can't but there is someone who is willing"

"Oh ya and who's that"

"Clint and Natasha"

"Are you serious...I don't believe it"

"Believe it or not the master assassins want children" he said. I quickly got out of bed took my crutches and made my way to there room. I quickly knocked and Natasha answered with Clint next to her and I hugged them both.

"Thank you" I said and went back to my room to see my dad still sitting there.

"Ahh so your still here"

"I'm going to leave, there are more important things to talk about but I rather not get into a screaming match right now" he answered honestly.

"Smart choice" I said and he left. As soon as I left my phone started ringing so I answered and it was Brandon.

Elana- "What's up"
Brandon- "still throwing that party tomorrow, you in?"
Elana- "fuck ya I'm in"
Brandon- "k be at my house tomorrow at 8"
Elana-" k cool see ya"
Brandon-" bye" he said and I hung up. I decided to go downstairs to get food. Once downstairs I made my way into the kitchen. I made myself some pasta and sat in the living room flipping through the tv channels. The doorbell rang "I'm not getting up to get that" I screamed in hopes that someone else would. Someone finally answered "Elana it's for you" Steve said.
"Who is it?"
" some guy" he said
"K we'll send him to the living room because I'm tired of walking" I said and he did. I looked to see who it was. "You have got to be shitting me"
"Told you I was in trouble"

Tony Starks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now