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"Elana what are you talking about?"

"I was brainwashed, that's the only way this makes sence, I knew those memories with the agent were to good to be true"

"Elana that doesn't even make sence, by who? You had escaped the red room"

"Ya because it wasn't the red room, it was shield"

"How could that be?" My dad asked

"Why would they do that?" Natasha asked. I ignored them and went back into my room and took out my laptop. I started hacking into shield and 20 minutes later, my file pulled up. I read most of it was normal things like fighter, anger issues, daughter of tony stark and Natasha Romanoff but right under that, there was a little box that said private. I clicked on it and it was encrypted. I quickly decrypted it and what I found was a video of me in a little room and I was pacing around the room just talking to myself, I yelled out thing like please no don't hurt her, my screaming got so loud they had brought someone in to try and calm me down but when the person tried to touch me, I flipped my shit and they had to get sedatives to calm me down. Under the video it said Elana age 11, completely traumatized and distraught, will need the Tahiti project. I looked at the screen with a blank expression, I was brainwashed they took away 2 god damn years of my life. I know that they were watching the same thing downstairs because just a few seconds later, my dad walked in.
"Hey" he said glumly
"Hi" I said still staring at the screen
" look I don't know what to say, but are you okay?"
"Ya I'm fine" I said with a blank and monotone voice.
"No your not"
"Yes I am" I said my voice getting a little more pitchy.
"No your not, come on what's wrong?"
"What's wrong, you want to know what's fucking wrong, I was fucking brainwashed and it wasn't even a day or a couple of shitty memories, no it was 2 fucking years, do you understand shield took 2 fucking years from me and I don't fucking care how traumatized I was 2 years just add that to the list of why there so fucking shitty" I yelled at him. He just listened and pull me into a hug. "I know, I'm sorry" he said
"Sorry isn't going to fix anything" I said and pulled away. I got up, took my crutches and left.
"I'm going out" I said and left down stairs where I was met with everyone asking a bunch of questions which I simply ignored and left the building. I didn't really know where I as going but I knew that I needed to leave. I had taken my cell phone and soon got a call from Brandon.
"Hey how's the search going?" He said. Oh shit I completely forgot about it.
"It's going" I said vaguely
"Did you find any leads?" He asked impatiently.
"Not yet I'll call you when I do"
"Okay thanks again"
"Okay bye"
"Bye" he said and I hung up. I did find the location where Ethan was staying. Might as well do something useful. I went down to the training room to grab a couple of weapons. Once there, the room was empty, everyone was probably trying to make sense of the brainwash thing. I saw that my dad had put a code to make sure I couldn't get access. Good one dad of you think that's going to stop me. I quickly hacked in and grabbed 2 guns, 3 knifes and poison. Just incase I get lazy. I went back upstairs and changed into a tight black t shirt and black tights. I put on a leather jacket, swallowed five pain killers since there was no way in hell I was going to do this in crutches. This may be horrible for my leg but it's been doing better so I figure why not give it a kick. I put the weapons in a bag and took the elevator down to the garage. I had already hacked into Jarvis from my laptop so all I had to do was get a car. I got into my car and put my laptop next to me for the destination and drove out. I was kinda hoping no one would notice me leave but just incase they do, I disabled the gps system in the car so they couldn't track me. Once I drove there, I wasn't shocked to see that the place where David was holding Sara was in a  warehouse, how typical. I got out of the car and stomped my way into the  warehouse. In a matter of seconds I was surrounded by I would say 7 guys but David was nowhere to be found. I quickly analyzed all of the guys in a matter of seconds. I realized that only three had guns so I shot them first to get rid of the guys so all that was left was to fight. It wouldn't be hard to fight my way out of this since most of these people were lacking skill. I quickly managed to fight off the rest of the guys. I silently crept around the warehouse looking for Michael or Sara. My main focus was Sara, I honestly couldn't give two shits about Micheal. I kept walking being careful not to make to much noise, I finally came across a room where I saw Sara tied to a chair. I quickly made my way to her and untied her and took off the Stupid tape they put on her mouth.
"Elana what are you doing here?" She said quickly and relieved.
"Doesn't matter I'll explain later, but are you okay did they hurt you?" I asked more importantly.
"No they just uh tied me up to the chair and left me here, I thought-" she said crying.
"I know but your okay now" I said interrupting her and hugging her.
"Uh such a heartfelt moment, sorry I have to ruin it, actually scratch that I'm not sorry" I heard Micheal say from behind me.
"You know it's to bad Elana, it didn't have to come to this" he continued
"No one ever means for it to come to this but yet somehow it always does, funny how that is" I say quickly.
"Your not the first person who's threatened me"
"Oh well save your personal problems for someone who cares"
"Look if we're done with the chit chat i'd like to leave thank you very much" I said in a bored tone.
"Ya fat chance elana"
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice" I said.
"Look elana we can talk about this but the reality is she doesn't get out of here unless I get Gabriel"
"You know what Michael go to hell" I said and came close to him and punched. He quickly retaliated by punching me back although I blocked it. I quickly kicked him in the knee very hard which caused him to fall but he got up in a matter of second. This fight lasted a couple of minutes and I was growing weak and it looked as if he wasn't faced at all.

"Getting tired already elana"

"What are you on?" I said through pursed lips as I tried to keep the pain in. The painkillers had started to wear off.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you well what the hell, I'm going to kill you anyways"

"It's this new drug that have enhanced some of my abilities"

"Who are you working with? This isn't like you at all, you seem more confident"

"It's the new drug, it has its perks"

"Well how about I take away those perks" I said walking closer and closer to him.

"You know I've always found you quite hot" I said to him seductivly.

"I know right who wouldn't"

"I'm being serious" I said getting really close to him where I could practically feel his breath on mine. I could hear his breath hitch.

"Elana I really don't want to hurt you" he said swallowing hard.


"Because there's a screwed up part of me that cares about you even though we've never been friends"

"Well then that's okay because you won't be the one getting hurt" I said and took the but of the gun and hit it hard against his head. After I did that Sara ran from the corner she was in and hugged me tight.

"Thank you" she said

"Your welcome" I said to her sincerely and we walked out of the stupid warehouse. I got into the car and just sat there for a minute thinking about what I just did.

"Hey you okay?"

"Ya I'm fine just thinking" I said and looked at her and smiled.

"Ohh so am I going home? Was my brother worried"

"Ya very that's why I'm here"

"Ohh so what did that man want from me?"!

"It doesn't matter"

"But I want to know"

"Your to young"

"No I'm not"

"I'll leave that up to your brother to decide" I said as I pulled up to their house. I parked the car and we both got out. We walked towards the front door and it was bringing back old memories of when I used to come here. I snapped out of it and rang the doorbell.

Gabriel answered and he saw Sara and gave her w big hug .
"Thank you so much elana, I owe you one"

"I'll take you up on that one day, it was no problem" I watched them for a minute and then decided it was time to leave.

"Ok well I'm going to go"

"Ok goodbye and thank you again" he said as I walked away. I walked into till the car then got in and drove back to the house. It's been a hell of a day I thought to myself. I made my way home and parked the car. I walked in and took the elevator to the main floor.

"I'm so glad you decide to take off like that" my dad said sarcastically.

"It really gives us a chance to bond more" he continues.

"Spare me whatever talk you wanted to have okay?"

"There's no talk"

"Well then good"

"What did you do, why did you leave in such a hurry"

"I had to take care of something for a friend"

"How sweet, next time give a little heads up" he said.

"I'll try" I said as I took the elevator to my room.

It was around 12 as in midnight and I was pretty tired physically and emotionally so I decided to just turn in. I changed into Pjays and went to bed. As my head hit the pillow I immediately fell asleep.

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