the talks god shoot me now

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I was now in my room with Josh . Everyone else had left to get food or they went back home.

"So Josh what do you want to do?" I said leaning in. Naturally I leaned in to and we kissed at first it was nice and gentle but then I deepened the kiss and I slowly got on top of him, my hands were in his hair slightly tugging and I could hear him moan against my lips, I smirked.

"Elana, we shouldn't be doing this" he said pulling away slightly

"Who says" I said and started trailing kisses against his neck, he moaned once again. he wrapped his arms around my stomach which caused me to hiss thanks to my wound.

"Oh my god Elana are you okay, I didn't mean to do that?" He said panicking

"Just shut up and kiss me" I said

"Not until I see if your alright, you know I could have opened up your stitches" He said while making me go back to my original position which was laying next to him. He lifted up my shirt so you could see the bandage and he tried to take off the bandage but I didn't let him, the bandage was covering my scar and I didn't want him to see it.

"Why won't you let me see?"

"because" I said and crossed my arms over my stomach.

"Just let me see?"


"fine you want to play like that" He said and in one quick move, he removed my arms from my stomach and put them over my head.

"Josh will you just let it go" I said struggling to get out of his grip. If I wasn't so tired from this day, I probably would have been able to get out of his grip. He slowly lifted the bandage and all I saw was my scar and the stitches from where I was shot.

"That's what you didn't want me to see" He said in sudden realization.

"Yes" I said quietly.

" Why didn't you want me to see it?"

"Just cause, now can we just forget about it" I said frustrated and attempted to kiss him again but he didn't let me.

"You can't just dismiss this Elana, this is exactly what I'm talking about, opening up, you did it yesterday when you told us about Emily Pritchett, why is it always such a fight for you to tell anybody things that's personal"

"You know very well why?"

"Its always such a fight for you to tell me one little thing about you, I don't want to be in a relationship just for the physical things"

"Than maybe you shouldn't have agreed to a relationship with me" I said angrily. Meanwhile Coulson entered the room.

"I'll leave you guys alone" Josh said looking angry and left

"So care to explain what when through your head today?"

"Nope not really, good talk Coulson see you later"

"So after all of this are you still going to rebel?"

"What kind of a question is that? Have you met me phil?"

"Not the new you, but seriously though have these past few days taught you nothing, its dangerous and david is still out there"

"I could take care of myself phil"

"You know what fine be that person"

"What person?"

"You know the person who shuts everyone out and pushes away everyone"

"Fine i will be" i screamed as he walked away. Just as I thought I was alone, all of my friends walked in.

"How you feeling?" Cece asked

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