Grounded for life

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We just entered the house I didn't even take off my shoes and I heard "elana come to the living room now!" my dad said
"Fine what?" I said making my way over.
"Sit" he continued.
" Ok"
"So this behaviour of yours has got to stop, the drinking, the lying, the attitude, it's all go to go" my dad said
"What about your lying and you constantly disappointing me"
"Excuse me I am perfectly fine"
"Should I refresh your memory, Phil coulson and we can't forget josh"
"Just stop it both you, both of you have work to do on yourselves but for now we should deal with the problem at hand" pepper said
"And what would that be?" I asked
"Your grades" she answered
"Oh ya we are definitely getting you a tutor" my dad said
"Ahh fine just keep ruining my life why don't you" I said
"We knew your attitude changed but we didn't know it would affect your grades so this is what you get" pepper said.
"Who's going to be my tutor?"
"I was thinking josh" my dad said
"Well then your crazy cause there is no way! that's happening, Carmen can tutor me." I said
"You'll just get distracted with Carmen cause she's your friend " my dad said
"No I won't I mean she's a straight a student she won't distract me"
"It's not her I'm worried about its you, the only way you'll work if its with someone you don't like, if its josh you can both work while your working at shield because he'll be there to" he said arguing
"Whatever does that get me an hour off" I asked
"Fine" he sighed.
"Now your constant drinking has got to stop" pepper started
"Well then so does his" I said talking about my dad
"Your 16, it's not even legal, I'm much older than you"
"Fine is that all"
"No your grounded for another 2 weeks" pepper said
"2 WEEKS? are you crazy that's almost 2 months"
"We'll you'll deal" my dad said
"Oh and you will not wear that belly button ring anymore" my dad continued
"And that's where your wrong, I'm still wearing it its my body" I said running up the stairs before he could say anything.

Tony POV
"These conversations are happening way to often" I said
" you could say that again" pepper said
" I've been thinking maybe we should send her to boarding school" I said
"What? boarding school that's a little extreme isn't it" pepper argued
"Well her mother was quite the rebel when she was young to and I remember her parents sending her to boarding school and when she came back, she was a new woman, she changed a lot."
"Well maybe but lets give her some time before we make drastic decisions"
"Your right but we've given her ALOT of time who much more does she need"
" come on you know and I both know she hasn't listened to us before but today was different"
"Fine ill give her a few weeks and if she really misbehaves I'm pulling the plug" I told her

Elana's POV
I was in my room bored out of my mind, I couldn't do anything, couldn't watch tv, couldn't got out, couldn't go on my phone or laptop. there's nothing else to do! I'm so bored! I had to find a way to get it back so i put on my innocent sorry voice and called my dad.
"DAD!!" I called for him
"Yes elana, what do you want?" he screamed back
"Can you come here please" I yelled back. that went on for a while until he agreed and came to my room.
"Did you need something" he asked
"Well, I'm not feeling well, so could I get my laptop back or phone" I said in my innocent voice
"What makes you think that you being 'sick' will get you your laptop back"
"Oh come on please" I said in my regular voice
"Nope, elana your punished and no laptop is part of the punishment"
" But I'm so bored" I whined
" So read a book"
"Fine ill let you watch tv for you to get off my case but that's it"
"Yay, thank you" I said while running downstairs and installing myself in our movie room.
Around 12, midnight
Peppers POV
"Elana, elana" I whispered oh great she had fallen asleep in the movie room. I texted tony to come downstairs so I wouldn't wake her.
"You texted" tony said
"She fell asleep" I whispered
"Oh great, here let me carry her" he said while picking her up and walking up the stairs with her, I walked right behind them. as soon as he dropped her on her bed she got comfortable. we both whispered goodnight and made our way back to our room.
" I'm getting way to old for that" he told me
"I know, come on let's go to bed, its late" I said while closing the light and going to bed.

Tony Starks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now