Im a walking disaster

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Tony's POV

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on, why is she calling you mommy?" I asked

"Did you have a daughter?" Natasha asked

"No, she's not my daughter" elana answered

"Oh thank god" both me and Tasha said

"Then who is she?" I asked

"Ill explain later, right now we don't have time" elana said

"I thought you were dead " lily said

" I thought you were dead to, Come here and give me a hug" elana said to lily and lily did as she said. Elana spinned lily in the air and then put her on her hip.

"Lets go take down this organization from hell" she said and then we were off.

Elana POV

"So I pretty much covered up everything down there, all we have to do is go down the hallway to the right and the left, so we should split up" I said

"I thought you didn't like splitting up" josh said

"I don't but were a lot so it's ok"

"How about me, Natasha and lily go down the right and the rest of you go down the left"

"Great lets do it" my dad said

"Look there is a guy over there guarding a staircase" Natasha said while pointing towards the guy. So i immediatly started walking towards the room where the guy was. As soon as he saw me, he pulled out his gun and started shooting. I stilled had Lily on my hip so i was pretty pissed when he started shooting but he had terrible aim. "bitch you shooting a kid, now what the fuck did she do to you to deserve that" i said and grabbed my gun that I had and shot him in the stomach. "you said a bad word" Lily said to me.

"i know sorry" i told her

" Now lets go see what's down that staircase" I said

Meanwhile tony POV

"Guys I don't think this hall is leading to anything" I said

"No wait look there, there is a man guarding that staircase" Bruce said

We all noticed and immediately Clint shot an arrow at his leg and Steve threw his shield at him to make him fall. "lets go see what's down there"

Elana's POV

What saw when I was down the staircase horrified me, David wasn't lying this was where the red room was, it was a huge room with agents practicing to fight and agents on computers planing there next mission. I used to work here. I used to be them so many memories were flooding back to my mind. I think Natasha noticed and asked "are you okay?"

"Always" I answered

"Come on let's get this son of a bitch" she said

"No wait, lets send lily in first and see what he says" I said

"Ok" she answered

"Lily go and see Charles" I told her

"Ok" lily answered me and off she went.

"Lily my dear I thought you were in your room" he said

Ya some room.

Oh right I forgot to say, Charles is sort of the second boss he is like the Vice President of the red room and David was the president.

"I got out" she said

"How may I ask" he asked

"Some people helped me out" she said

Tony Starks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now