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A-Alright..the truth..from the beginning..*exhales*

Anyone who's ever fallen in love, will understand you'd risk absolutely anything to be with them-in this case, my family

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Anyone who's ever fallen in love, will understand you'd risk absolutely anything to be with them-in this case, my family. As some of you may know, a series of unfortunate events had occurred over the past months, and that price of being with the ones I love, surely grew at a substantial  cost.

This unfortunate series, was sparked by one particular reason; HYDRA.

I never quite knew who they were, or where they came from, but then it all became clear. Hydra, and I have something in common, we're both monsters in disguise, metaphorically.

Little did I know, a few of the Hydra agents that took my family were people I thought I knew, and trusted.

That all changed the moment I realized, Elliot and Adeline were taken. I had no idea what had happened, or where they were, and I grew absolutely terrified trying to find them.

One day, Adeline..who'd escaped captivity, managed to find me, alone. The only question was; where was Elliot?

That afternoon, the sound of gunfire alarmed everyone at the school. Panic spread everywhere, and the cries of one particular name crushed the little faith I had in getting everything back.


Pushing past crowds of students, I noticed Adeline cradling Elliot in her arms, sobbing

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Pushing past crowds of students, I noticed Adeline cradling Elliot in her arms, sobbing. Elliot had shot himself, following orders that Hydra had given him.

That night I couldn't sleep, heading screams over and over in my head- it was unbearable.

I was completely turmoiled for the reason of Elliot's planned suicide, and the idea of Hydra taking my family from me

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I was completely turmoiled for the reason of Elliot's planned suicide, and the idea of Hydra taking my family from me..but Elliot was only the beginning.

It wasn't too long afterwards I'd noticed Raven's son, Kurt, acting strangely. Sure enough, it didn't take long to find out he hadn't remembered anything about anyone, and was determined to follow his mission; given by Hydra.

I thought I lost Kurt that moment. The person, before Elliot, I watched over for years, taken and tortured, behind my back.

 The person, before Elliot, I watched over for years, taken and tortured, behind my back

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For weeks, I'd see illusions of Elliot begging me for one thing; to stay with him.

I knew these were my own hallucinations of my mind telling me to give in, but soon enough these hallucinations took control of me.

I was desperate for the pain to end, all this suffering I couldn't dispose of.

Adeline wanted the same thing, except, we both knew it was impossible.

The idea of suicide plagued through Adeline's mind, desperate to see her brother again.

Gradually I was losing the family I tried so hard to protect, but then an idea, one particular idea changed everything.

This particular idea made it possible for me to see my family again, including my parents, and so many others I've lost. With the help of a friend, on one particular afternoon, everything changed with one choice, in a specific house.

A friend proved to me, I could still see everyone, but a high cost-my life.

Considering I was desperate for answers and at a stage of depression, I wanted things to end, but I was terrified of what everyone would think.

Considering I was desperate for answers and at a stage of depression, I wanted things to end, but I was terrified of what everyone would think

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The last thing I remember that afternoon was waking up on the floor, feeling absolutely nothing.

However, I knew what I did before I woke up. I remembered collapsing on the ground, dropping an empty container of pain killers. I remember every bit of pain and fear I felt. However, I remember seeing Elliot...and hugging him tightly, and my parents..and telling them how sorry I was.

I saw them, and then I saw myself lying beside me, lying completely still.

I'd killed myself, but my spirit still exists.

I can feel, touch, and smell things, the same qualities as if I were still alive, but I don't get tired and I don't ever get hungry.

People can still see and hear me, but only if I want them too. On the other hand, I can see and hear everyone who's died as well.

All because I died inside a certain house, which I still believe is cursed.

I understand if all of you are stunned..but there..is the truth..

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