17 - Challenge

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Since story challenges seem to be an increasingly common thing, I'd like to begin one that is slightly, well, very different; a one-shot contest.

Here's how it works;

1. Whoever wants to participate in this challenge, or has been challenged, must let your followers decide two things; what the genre of your one-shot will be (action, thriller, romance etc.) and the whom the other character in the one-shot will be.

2. Once the followers have voted, whatever genre and character is voted the most are the ones you use for your story.

3. The one-shot must be, at minimum, three pages. (I told you it was a challenge.)

So, to start this challenge, I'm asking for all those who are reading, to challenge me by giving me a random genre and a character that you'd like to see become into a small story. The writer creates the rest!

I advise the following to take on this challenge with me, to put your creative minds to the test;

Anyone I missed is welcome to do this challenge as well!

the scientist; [mb/s]Where stories live. Discover now