70 11 50

10:45 p.m

 - The X-Mansion -



"Wake up!"

"Father! Wake up! I've come back!"

"Father!!  Why'd you let me die!!"

"I thought you loved me!"

"I hate you!"



"You pathetic monster.."

"-just a bozo!"

"I-I'm not a monster!!" 

"You murderer!"

"I-I'm not a murder!!"

Voices submerged and echoed though Hank's mind over and over. His finger's clenched the bedsheets tightly, letting a groan escape through his soar throat and leave his lips. Quavering, his chest rose and fell at a rapid rate, sweat dripping down the sides of his head in fear. Hank's teeth sank down against the side of his lip, holding in a furious groan under his breath. 

"N-Not..a..mon..ster.." Each word was partially slurred, tossing to his side , eyes shut tightly. "Not..a..monster!" He repeated, clearing his throat, feeling an aching pain radiate down his body. 

Finally, his gloomy eyes flashed open, letting out a terrified gasp in shock. Sitting up, his arms quavered, contracting so tightly they ached in pain.

"You're a monster.."  The voice whispered so clearly, one could almost believe it was real.

Hank winced, pushing himself up to the edge of the bed, his heart pounding against his chest.

"Stop it.." He whispered, letting his long fingers coil through his sweaty brown hair, groping tightly against it in frustration. 

"Dadda..I miss you.."

Hank's eye's rose, depicting a small silhouette standing infant of him, the voice in his head was clearly familiar.

"E-Elliot?" Hank swallowed heavily, slowly switching on the lap on the nightstand beside his bed, gasping at the sight of his young boy standing infant of him.

" E-Elliot!!" Stunned, Hank's eyed widened completely, opening and shutting his mouth like a fish in water.

"I'm scared daddy!"

Tears streamed down the boy's pale cheeks, wiping them with his sleeve quickly. Hank knelt down beside him, unbelieving his own eyes. "Don't be scared, I'm right here." His arms coiled around Elliot, holding him tightly against his chest. "I-I'm so...so..sorry...Elliot." Hank muttered softly, clenching his teeth in anger.

"I can't stay dadda.." 

Pulling back, Hank shook his head, refusing to let go of him again. "Elliot, please don't go.."

Elliot said nothing, his piercing blue eyes focusing on a syringe in his hand.

"Come with me dadda."

Confusion consumed Hank's mind. "How'd you-"

"Grandpa and Grandma wanna see you dadda!"

Tears filled Hank's eyes, taking the syringe from Elliot's hand. "Elliot-"

"Don't leave me dadda!!" 

Elliot screamed, shivers running down Hank's spine. Immediately, Hank snatched the pack of pills that had been set on the nightstand, unscrewing the lid. Screwing off the lid, he pored a few pills into his palm, popping them into his mouth, groaning as he weakly swallowed them down his throat.

"Dadda come with me!! Please!! I'm scared!!"

"Y-You're dead..Elliot.." Tears continued to fall from his cheeks, swallowing more pills, but froze, realizing the pack was now empty. 

Suddenly, everything went quiet- dead silent.

Hank's eyes focused back up on Elliot, who's body was becoming blurrier and blurrier. All at once, Hank's entire body quavered cold, letting out painful coughs repetitively, covering it with his hand. Falling to his side, loosing his balance, he let his hand fall from his mouth, phasing in and out of consciousness. 

"E-Elliot..help..me.." Hank groaned, clenching his teeth at the sight of blood on his hands.

"I don't want you to leave dadda.."

A sharp pain escalated up his chest, a weak groan leaving his lips, fighting to catch his breath.

{Hank's gradually becoming more and more insane from each time Elliot, his dead son, haunts him for weeks. He takes medication in attempt to make the voices and hallucinations stop, but too many at a time is slowly killing him. He has yet to discover an antidote for these voices and hallucinations.}

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