Finally telling the truth

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Barry's POV

As Kara healed and was dismissed from her unit, we both went over to Cisco who was crying, i think, while putting away the glee club's suits.

"Cisco you're crying bud. Don't deny it" I said patting him on the back. He just hugged me.

"I am just going to miss the superhero training sessions and them all excited about their suits and my wicked names I spent an entire night coming up with"

Kara laughed "Well you remember back on your earth how we celebrated with a bit of champagne and a partayyyyyy" she gestured with we hands. This did cheer up cisco.

"Well um... We are feeling really guilty about not telling the Glee Club who we are for this long and well we just need to let the truth out. So we are going to have a party, in celebration of all of our victories" I finished

"Wow. I ddidn't think it would go this far. I mean yyou've kept this from the entire world and were completely fine" Cisco tried to get us not to.

"II've known them since tenth grade. They were my family away from home" Kara said

"I guess Felicity and I will get started on the planning if you would like to join us" Cisco said wiping away his tears as he finished putting Quinn's suit in the last box.

The three of us held hands as we walked towards the cortex.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Cisco said holding his hands up in the air "and maybe get Caitlin drunk again while we're at it" he whispered.

"You think that's funny? Stay here and watch this" I said walking over to Caitlin.

I hit a button on my phone that started to play 'Summer Lovin' from grease. Caitlin shot her head up at me and I laughed a bit. That's when I started to sing.

"Barry! Noooo Barry!" She whined.

"Cmon! No one else is here." I looked around the cortex

As that's when I finally convinced Caitlin to sing horribly once again. I looked at Cisco who was evidently recording this for revenge and blackmail. And then he laughed.

Caitlin turned around and seen him and Kara standing behind the post.

"CISCO!! KARA!" She screamed running towards them. But lucky for Cisco, Kara flew them both away.

I just laughed and started to write out the glee club's invitations. And maybe just deliver them as the flash by hand.

As I finished the last one, I put them in a giant bag, suited up and ran to the auditorium.

"Delivery for the New Directons?" I asked.

"Nice to see you again man!" Mr. Shue said.

"You all aswell. These are from Team Supergirl, Team Flash, Team Arrow and Team Legends as a thank you for all your help with defeating Sue Sylvester and Roz"

"Thank you. And anytime you need us were just a phone call away"

"Well we hope to see you all there tonight" I sped out.


*The Party Later That Evening*

We were holding the party in one of the gyms at the DEO. Not the best location but we will take what we can get. We had Red, Blue, Green, Bronze, White, Yellow, and Black streamers hung up practically everywhere so the entire feeling looked like a rainbow threw up. There were balloons in the corners of the room and we had a table with a lot of food. I am talking burritos, cupcakes, ice cream, donuts, tacos, burgers, five kinds of chips and Kara's favourite, POTSTICKERS!

I helped assemble a disco light in the centre of the room and we made a little stage for Kara and I to do our presentation and reveal thing. I was nervous.

The Legends and Arrow showed up first, then Alex and Henshaw, then all the tech savvy team members, Kara, and finally glee club. Kara and I stored a change of clothes backstage so we could quickly change. Plus I was the one inchargw of temporarily dying Kara's hair before we went on. Yup, still scared.

"C'mon lets go dye your hair" I said taking her to the washroom. We small talked and then got really quiet as it came to the end.

I looked at her. "I missed your Marley hair" I said as we dried it. She just laughed.

"At least when I wash it before going to the party it will be gone. Do you know that was the part I was always afraid of. What if I got slushied and it got all in my hair washing out the dye?"

"But it never did" I said stopping the dryer.

"I know. Funny. So are you ready?" She asked me wrapping her already dry hair in a towel

"Now or Never." I said as I walked onstage first.

Everybody became instantly quite and Cisco handed me a champagne glass.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. Supergirl and I wanted to thank you for everything you have done to help the both of us. To be honest, wwe've been feeling really guilty lately. We know all of you. Many of you just don't know it. So tonight we will finally not feel so guilty, as long as you make the promise not to tell. Coincidentally which was on the contract you signed when agreeing to all this." I said pointing at cisco.

"Yeah that's right! I got you goooood" He said.

"So let me reintroduce myself first." I turned around to take off my mask. I turned back around and heard a series of gasps. "Hello. My name is Barry Allen. You may know me as one of my aliases, Sebastien Smythe. The complete asshole" I said. "I moved to Dalton the year before Marley moved to McKinley. You just didn't know she went to McKinley. And speaking of Marley..." I said as Kara walked out taking the towel off her brown hair and Supergirl suit on.

"Hi... um... I am really bad at this and if anyone knows it is my sister Alex. So um yeah. Hi, my name is Kara Zor-El. On earth, I go by Kara Danvers. And at McKinley I go under my other alias, Marley Rose." She said

"No fucking way! I TOLD YOU!" kitty screamed.

"I guess I wasn't good enough to fool everyone." Kara said putting on her glasses and laughing.

"So now with thy weight lifted off our shoulders, we want you to go enjoy this party. As a thank you from us to you" I said walking back to the bathroom to wash the temporary dye out kara's hair.

When we were finally back to our normal selves, as if normal existed for us, we went back to the gym and socialized. Everything was going great. Until a portal opened and changed everything.

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