Wait who's Kara?

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Barry's POV

The karaoke bar was amazing. I remember the days when I went to Dalton and she went to McKinley and faked being enemies. Such good times. Singing Titanium was just restoring what we had before our friendship shattered. Like picking up the pieces of a shattered glass.

When Kara fainted, I immediately panicked.

"Kara? Kara! Please wake up Kara please!" I started to shout.

"Sebastian?" Someone called. I turned around in an instant.

"I'm sorry who now?" I said while checking Kara's pulse.

"What are you doing with Marley?!" Mercedes shouted.

"I didn't do anything. I'm going to get her to a hospital."

"Wait who's Kara?" Mercedes asked while I walked we outside enforce running. That's when I called Cisco.

"What's up dude."

"Put Danvers on right now!" I said knowing he was still at the DEO

"What is it Flash?"

"Kara fainted and I'm rushing her to a hospital."

"No Barry! Bring her here. IF YOU DO NOT THEN YOU WONT HAVE A JOB LEFT AT THE DEO! Do you understand?" She started to get angry



"Okay okay I'm on my way" I said as I changed course.

As I ran into the DEO, I passed Kara over to Alex and Henshaw. They brought her to an exam room but wouldn't let me in. I was scared and confused. Why did Kara need to go to the DEO when a hospital could have done the same? Maybe they could get her in faster...

Alex walked out and took me to what I presumed was her office.

"Alex," I said while she glared at me. "Sorry, Agent Danvers, why did I need to bring Kara here when a hospital could have done the exact same?"

"Here at the DEO, we use mainly the same medical equipement as a hospital, plus more for alien purposes. And there is always available staff so we can get her fixed in no time. You should probably know that incase she gets injured again. But that's very unlikely." she said holding my arm. I nodded but I could see something more was to this situation.

I continued to stare at the door unit Kara finally came out. I ran over and hugged her.

"Kara you had me so worried."

"Thanks but can you tell me why you brought me to my sisters work?" she asked me.

"I called her and she made me come here."

She nodded.

"Well Barry, it was a great night. I should be getting home. Sorry for fainting. I seen Jake. I was -" she started to explain

"Overwhelmed. I get it. I felt the same when Mercedes called me Sebastien and you Marley."

We laughed.

"Kara I need to ask you something. Excuse us Agent Danvers." He dragged me away. "Listen, I like you. Like really like you. Kara Danvers, I am not ashamed to admit I am in love with you. And I would like to ask if you could be my girlfriend."

"Well I did say I would see after tonight. And I have to say I had a lot of fun with you. So why not!!" Se said and we hugged. And then I kissed her. Finally Kit and B were back together.

"I should go talk to Alex. See you later Big B" she said when we broke.

"Yeah. I'll see you later KitKat"

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