Stepping onto the battle field

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Caitlin's POV

Today was the day. The day everyone would meet the new superheroes brought together to save our friends.

"Barry!" I yelled down the hallway towards him.

"Caitlin! You know Glee Club is coming in a few minutes." He shouted at me in a whisper.

"I want you to put this in your eye. It is like a contact lenses that lets us track your neural activity and lets us see exactly what you do." I said handing him the small case.

"Thanks" He said walking towards the Cortex where we all agreed to meet.

Barry pulled on his mask and then the glee club opened the doors.

"Welcome McKinley Glee Club. Over the last two days we have trained you to battle any known meta-human. With your weapons alone, you are strong but together, are invincible. Now, The Flash has a few words of advice, caution, and news for you." I said standing infront of them.

"Thank you Caitlin. First off, you mustn't try to kill them. They will only want to kill you more. Each of you will have a small pair of scissors attached to your suit with a retractable cord. Thanks to Cisco that is. You must use these to cut around the chin of the Noires' hoods. Also, you must not battle Rozz. He is who I shall fight, alone. If I see any of you there, I don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt. Rozz is more powerful than we know. And lastly, we have confirmed proof that the others are in fact still alive. Not aware of what state they are in, but all indeed alive. Eleven Noires were killed when The Legends, Arrow and I went into battle. That leaves sixteen. Should be easy for a group your size. After killing all the Noires who will all eventually come outside, where we will be fighting, you must all split up into four groups to find the others. This is your top priority after the Noires. Am I clear?" I said

"Yes sir" they all said.

"Good. We leave in an hour" Barry walked out taking Cisco and Mr.Shue's hands.

Barry's POV

"Um hey what's this about." Cisco asked me as I turned around.

"Cisco. It's okay. I need to trust one person in the glee club with my identity. He who I now put a hell lot of trust in" I said in my normal voice to Cisco.

"Wait wait! Hold up!" Mr Shue interrupted.

I turned around and pulled off my mask.

"Hello Mr.Shue. It's me. Sebastien. Well actually Barry." I said. He just stared at me.

"I knew that you and Sebastien were the same person!" He said solving a part of the puzzle. "But wait if you're Sebastien then..."

"Come in this office. We have a lot of explaining to do..." I said opening the door.

"You see, the star labs particle accelerator exploded on this earth. When I was struck by lightning, my earth three, this earth, self was transported to earth one killing the rest of me. I came back for Kara. Who is Marley. Oh she is gonna kill me for telling you this..." I rambled.

"So let me get this straight. You and Sebastien are the same person, just alter egos? Same with Kara and Marley. And you came back to your original earth after being brought to another." Me Shue said trying to retain it all.

"Yeah. And oh my god I can't believe I have to do this but Kara is... well, she's kinda.... um...." I tried to spit it out.

"Barry!" Cisco shouted at me. I knew he was here for a reason.

"She's Supergirl!" I said exhaling.

Mr. Shue just looked at us with his eyes open wide.

"Mr. Shue you can't tell anyone about this. Girl of Steel is a lot stronger than you would think. I wasn't supposed to tell you but I needed to tell someone in the glee club so you could maybe try to explain this later when they find them in a room probably unconscious" Cisco said taking his arm. This knocked him out of a trans like state.

"Oh yeah. I just can't believe it. I worked along side Superman's cousin for two years!" Mr. Shue was astonished. "But I won't tell. You have my word" He said shaking my hand.

We walked back to the Cortex as I pulled down my mask once again. I helped Cisco wheel out the suits each on it's own mannequin. That's when we all suited up and went out to battle. Finn took his jet shoes and I ran but the rest took the motorbikes that the DEO lent us.

"We're all here Cisco. I'm starting the plan" I shouted into my bolt as they all got off their bikes.

"Okay Barry and don't forget we can see what you see alright?"

"Hey Rozz. Why don't you and your little Noires come out here so we can have a not so friendly fight scene" I shouted.

"Well if it isn't The Flash and his pathetic attempt at a group of wannabe superheroes. I guess my Noires could do with a bit of exercise but you Mr.Flash will have to find me yourself." Rozz's voice came through the speakers on the outside of the building.

"Lets do this!" The glee club shouted as the Noires came outside one by one.

As I ran around the three that were not being handled by the gleeclub, I took the pair of retractable scissors out from my pocket and made a small cut on each of their hoods.

I quickly pulled them open and their entire body turned to concrete.

"You guys have got this alright, I am going to find Rozz."

"Ah very good. I see you have done your research. Well so have I you see, I looked into your friends thoughts and found the perfect weapon to destroy you. Leaving all your little friends without anyone to help. But who knows, maybe I don't have the upper hand Mr.Flash. You better come to find out" Rozz's voice spoke over the speaker system again.

"Oh I am coming wether you like it or not" I said speeding through each room looking for the devil of a villain.

I finally reached a floor where every single room was locked. The thirteenth floor.

"Rozz I know your in here. There are ten locked rooms on this floor. You are in one of them" I shouted to the empty hallway.

"Very good Mr. Flash. Or should I say Mr. Allen" Rozz said unlocking a door and stepping out to the hallway.

"You couldn't beat me even if you tried" He said.

"Really? I would love for you to say that when you loose and get relocated to the DEO for eternity" I said.

"Ain't gonna happen. But let's see shall we. I am never wrong but this is just for the joy of killing you. Mr. Queen, Miss Danvers, all the rest of you abducted losers get out here." Rozz shouted, followed by the sound of more rooms unlocking. All my missing friends were there. Oh crap. Not this again.

'WHERE IS THEIR OFF SWITCH THIS TIME!' I thought to myself while walking circles around myself as they were once again all evil and had surrounded me.

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