Meet Heather Deen

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Kara's POV

As we walked over to the room, Mr. Danvers was waking. He looked very ill. He woke up occasionally but not long enough. So we decided to stay the night

"Dad?" Alex said as morning came.

He just smiled as we all started to cry.

"Oh honey" Eliza said hugging him. "What happened to you at CADMUS?"

"They imprisoned me. Made me in charge of making the others cyborgs. I had to if I didn't want to be one. But that changed. Lillian Luther stepped in and then decided to terminate me. She kept me in a dark cell without food or water for days. I don't know how I survived. But then I don't remember anything else" He said taking the glass of water that trembled in his weak hands.

We all smiled, glad to have him back.

"Uh Supergirl? We have a bit of a problem" Felicity said opening the door a smidge.

"I will see you guys later" I said walking towards the cortex.

"Okay so maybe on the suits I equipped trackers so I could locate them whenever I please but wwe've got a problem. Six people are moving towards National City Zoo and Park. All armed. We need you and Barry an Oliver to stop them"

"Hey what about us?" Mercedes said walking in

"I'm sorry glee club. Not this time. The Legends are stronger than any of us know. We don't want any harm to come to you. But hey when we get on Sue, we will give you a call" I said walking over to them

They all just nodded except for Kitty.

"I guess. But you know what still doesn't add up. The fact that you look exactly like my friend Marley Rose. The one who loved the song Chasing Pavements." She walked out. Holy crap. I was a goner.

As I walked back to the cortex, Cisco was freaking out.

"Cisco!" Barry shouted

"Sorry just who is this girl? Like I have never seen her before. She is not a legend." Cisco said showing me the security camera footage.

"Oh my god I know her." I said pulling out my phone scrolling through facebook. "Heather Deen. She used work at CatCo. Brilliant with computers and tech. Then last month she just stopped showing to work. I was in charge of contacting her. Nothing from her, her family, no one! Not a single record of her after she left a bar downtown."

"Damn she is hot though!" Cisco zoomed up on her face. She was twisting her hand in a wierd way. That's when I noticed what was following her. Two water serpents. Felicity seen this too.

"Kara! Since when have CADMUS villains been released." Felicity said dragging over her chair

"I don't know why? Probably a year"

"Okay so I have seen her around downtown before too. She avoids everyone while keeping we arms crossed. If she was one of CADMUS's delinquents, she might have escaped. Probably found by Rozz who put her in with the Legends" Felicity said.

"Oh... my... god... she is... beautiful" Cisco said drooling over the monitor

"NOT HELPING CISCO!" We all shouted at him as Sara would have.

"Okay so we have a way to break Myriad for all the legends but what about Heather?" Caitlin said.

"I think I might know.... WINN!" I shouted. He came running.

"What do you need Kara"

"Heather Deen. What does she like"

"Well tv shows, books, comic books, movies, most media" Winn rambled.

"Anything enough to break Myriad" I asked him

"Wait what?!"

"Myriad 2.0. I will explain later. Just tell me what she believes in"

"Well um her dad is fighting in a war over in Africa but I might just have the picture of her at the office. Here is my key. Now go!" He handed me the keys. I ran out of the cortex towards the stairs. "Bottom drawer on your left!" He shouted as I flew away.

At CatCo, I found a drawer filled with pictures and junk I am not surprised Winn would keep. Pop vinyls of me as Supergirl and Kal-El as Superman. Not creepy at all. Then just some cute pictures of his family, me him and jAmes, blah blah blah. Then I came across an older picture of a girl and who appeared to be her father. On the back it said "Incase of Myriad again, Winn this is for you. Hope that he will return. Love heather". Easy enough.

I took the picture and walked out only bumping into the one and only Miss Grant.

"Supergirl!" She said.

"Sorry Miss Grant. I have to fly. Just picking up something one of your workers left for me specifically" I said flying away.

As I flew in the sky, I used the comm to tell Barry and Oliver to meet me at the National City Zoo and Park.

As I landed, Barry ran himself and Oliver to coordinate with my timing.

"Nice one" I said as the six of the Myriad soldiers came around the corner.

"You know the plan alright?" I asked them. They both nodded as we each drew two superheroes to our own section of he park.

I had Rey and Heather.

"Heather!" I said taking out the photo "please don't do this to us. it's not what your father would have wanted. your father is fighting for you. You always hope he will come home and you know when he does you will never forget that moment. Losing him may have hurt you but there is always hope that he will come home" I said.

The picture blew out of my hands and right into hers. That's when she snapped.

"Wait... Supergirl?" She said. I smiled.

"Welcome back Miss Deen" I said as she hugged me.

We both managed to break Rey of Myriad and met up with the others. Barry had Rory and Firestorm, Oliver with White Canary and Vixen. Oliver however only managed to break Vixen from Myriad. Sara was the only one left.

"Sara! Think about Laurel. She wouldn't have wanted this for you. She would have wanted you to stay strong and break Myriad. The two Canary's." Barry said as we all formed a circle around her.

"Sara! Though I don't know you that well, your sister would have done everything to help you. So if you snap out of Myriad, you will make her proud" I tried to help.

"Sara. We all believe in you. Even Laurel" Oliver said.

She snapped. The last of them all.

"Guys?!" She said. We all joined her for a group hug.

We all walked to the DEO and into the Cortex.

"Oh my god it's you!" Cisco said towards Heather as she walked in.

"It is me!" She laughed.

"Cisco Ramon. Member of team Flash. It is an honour to meet you.  And may I say your powers are incredible." Cisco whisked her away into another room. Probably to talk about a suit lets face it.

"Well. I think team Supergirl may have found another person to add to the team" Barry said hugging me.

"Yeah as long as none of us are stupid or not able to see what's right infront of us then yes. I think we may have" I said smiling at him

"Yeah I don't think that will be a problem. except for Mick." Rey said joining us with Oliver and Sara. We all laughed and walked to the game room for some classic video games and food!


A/N: Thank you so much for reading this novel. I would like to note that Heather Deen belongs to me and booklover_demigod as a part of the Holiday Contest I hosted in December. Everything else belongs to the creators of the CW shows and Glee. Xoxo -Ingrid

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