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A/N: Hey readers! Happy holidays to you all wherever you may be spending them this season. As a part of my special holiday surprise for you all as a thanks to reading my book, I have finally picked a winner at random. Congratulations @booklover_demigod for being the winner. I will pm you after the holidays for your winnings. And for the rest of you, a second chapter is coming right up for tonight to read by the fireside, or something... I don't know, I'm just rambling here sooooooooo here is my latest chapter "It was CADMUS".

Kara's POV

I've been feeling really guilty lately. Just the whole knowing Barry was the Flash but he didn't know I was Supergirl situation. It's been killing me. So I decided to call him.

"Thank Rao you answered. You've been kinda shy lately." I said after he picked up the other line.

"Yeah sorry 'bout that Kit"

"Listen, we need to talk. Wanna grab a coffee or something tonight?"

"That sounds great. I need to talk to you." He sounded worried.

"You okay big b?"

"Oh yeah. Totally."

"Kay, I have to go before miss grant fires me but Noonan's. At 7. Love you bye."

"Bye." I hung up.

"KII-" Miss Grant started to scream.

"I'm here. Sorry, I slipped on the stairs" I lied.

"As long as you're not broken, good. Urgent staff meeting. Five minutes. Go get everyone. And that computer geek friend of yours" she said spinning once in her chair to look at the TVs

"You mean Winn?"

"Yes. Winnnn." she finnished exaggerating the -n in Winn's name.

As i went around, I got Winn first.

"Staff meeting five minutes. After that superfriends" I whispered. he nodded than was confused.

"Staff meeting? In there? But Kara" He tried to back out

"Miss Grant said so" I left him so scared and confused. I giggled as I made my way around because he kept shooting me these awkward looks.

As we all gathered in the conference room, Miss Grabt closed the door behind us and turned around furiously.

"Now. Can someone please tell me why I do not have interviews with Supergirl and the Flash yet. Not even a picture of them together. No interviews, comments, pictures, information. Nada" She stated sitting down. "James, get me another interview with Supergirl, and tell her to bring her little friend. Speedy whoever. And a picture." she said. As she continued, Winn grabbed my hand and squeezed it so tight.

"Winnnn. I need you to hack the government to find any information on this speedster's background. And if not. Well that's not a very big deal. Worst case scenario, you go back to being a computer geek not to be spoken to aside from Kara and James." She said. His eyes were as wide as saucers. Wow she was actually going easy on him.

"Wait so I'm not a computer coder anymore." he asked confused

"No. You are my hacking investigator reporter person." She said moving on. Winn was overjoyed.

"And Kara. You, will be working with Winnn to find any information by going out in the field. Congratulations. You've both been promoted. But first, find me a new assistant Kara" she said. I couldn't believe it. Winn and I were getting an office right next to James'. I could finally not have to wait on miss grant every second of my life.

We all left and headed to the superfriends room. I shut the door behind them and leaned against it.

"I am about to do something drastic" I said slumping to the floor.

"Kara. Please don't say tell the world." James begged. "Your cousin contemplated it once. I barley persuaded him not to."

"No. I am going to tell Barry. I've been feeling so guilty lately. I can't keep keeping this from him." I started to roll on the floor as I panicked in confusion. Normally I wouldn't but when I'm really stressed about something life changing, I do.

"Kara. You've been wanting to tell him for so long. If you think it's right, then go for it. We won't hold you back" James promised.

"He's been avoiding me though. Since our Glee meeting, he hasn't called. Thank Rao he answered this morning."

"Listen. Supergirl knows Barry's secret. I think it's time she return the knowledge" Winn convinced me.

"Thanks guys. It means a lot." I said. My phone buzzed. It was Barry.

"DEO duties call. Someone cover for me. I will be back as soon as I can" I said as I walked behind a curtain to change. I took off my glasses and I flew out the window.

As I got to the DEO, Barry was really worried.

"Kara... Good thing you're here. Alex and Eliza need you." He said leading me towards an operation room I was typically not allowed in.

As I opened the door, I seem Eliza and Alex crying. Then I looked at who was on the operation table. It was my foster father, Jeremiah.

I ran over to hug them and started crying too.

"What happened" I sobbed.

"Cadmus. They turned him into a cyborg." Alex tried to 'woman up' as she called it.

"We're working on a cure. It was hard enough to find him in that lab with the Luther gone" Hank said behind me.

"Thank you for bringing him home" Eliza said.

"Anytime for a brilliant scientist of the DEO" he said.

"Eliza! You're working at the DEO? That's amazing" I congratulated her while gathering myself.

I used my superhearing to eavesdrop on how Winn was doing.

"Ugh. Of course it's the phones. Always the phones. Karaaaaa" he moaned.

"I have to go. Good luck finding a cure. I hope it works out for the best" I said to Hank. Just as I was walking out, his eyes shot open. They were a solid black.

"Bizzaro." Henshaw whispered under his breath. I nodded knowing we were one step closer to a cure. Hopefully.

I flew to our superfriends office and got changed. I laughed at Winn struggling and then I picked it up for him

"Hello, this is CatCo. Kara Danvers, assistant of Cat Grant. Speaking? Oh yes. Applications are being accepted today, Saturday and sunday. Have a lovely day." I hung up.

"I told you before. Never make me do the phones," he said stumbling back to his desk.

"They found him... My foster dad" I said. "It was Cadmus"

"Kara, I'm so so sorry."

"Don't be. I couldn't help it when it happened but we may have a cure" I said and then we dropped the subject.

I had to interview eager assistants all day until I found the right one. From 12-5. And then thinking about the hundreds of applicants for Saturday and Sunday made me dread every second that was left. As soon as I was done, I was so overjoyed, I heelclicked my way out of the office.

I ate quickly and then headed to Noonans with Supergirl underneath my outfit. I just hoped Winn's plan would work.

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