Chapter 13.

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I just finished getting dressed and now I'm putting on my shoes. I already know I'm going to be late but I'm the boss so it doesn't matter as much. The only person that could possibly get upset is Babyface since he's a very busy man and I'm wasting his time keeping him waiting. He'll be alright though.

After checking myself in the mirror, I finally grabbed my purse, phone, and keys as I made my way downstairs and out the door. I hopped into my vehicle and went straight to the studio.

"Good afternoon ma'am,"The valet spoke to me as he helped me out of my car.

"Good afternoon Joe how are you today?"I smiled.

"Blessed, let me get those,"he said motioning me to get my keys.

"Oh please take care of my new baby I just bought her,"I pleaded.

"I will, I promise,"he laughed getting inside my car and pulling off to go park.

I walked inside the building and went straight to the back where I met the eyes of Babyface and his friend Darryl.

"You're late,"Face said hugging me.

"I know, I'm sorry,"I apologized,"Hey how you doing?"

"I'm great,"Darryl said.

"Come on get up you know I'm a hugger,"I laughed.

"So nice seeing you again Toni,"Darryl said hugging me.

"You tooooo I missed you boys,"I smiled pinching their cheeks,"Sooo what are we doing today?"

"You wanted to work on a new album so you tell us,"Babyface said.

"Would it be bad if I say I honestly don't know what I want to do?"I asked.

"Well let's brainstorm, is there a theme in mind?"Darryl asked.

"Nope,"I said apologetically.

"Love never goes out of style for you T well heartbreak doesn't either frankly,"Face started,"Any bullshit happened in your life recently that you want to discuss?"

"Hell yes,"I said feeling some type of way thinking about Keri and Jamie,"Men are such bitches and whores these days."

"Well write about that,"Face said.

"But I can't quite put it into perspective how I really feel,"I said.

"Well then maybe we should just set up another session one day, I have to go,"he said.

"Okay, love you brother,"I said hugging him.

"Love you too sister,"he laughed hugging back,"See you later Darryl."

"Alright,"he responded,"I guess I could be going too huh."

"So you leaving me too huh, I see where our friendship stand,"I said.

"You know I love you,"he said kissing my check,"But the wife needs me."

"I understand, see you later,"I responded smacking his butt as he walked off.

Once they left, I decided to stick around a bit to play on the keys on this new keyboard I saw in the corner. I was free styling thinking of lyrics to write a song. I've never been great at writing because I was so used to singing other people's lyrics that were written for me. Most of the time, they were relatable to my life, don't get me wrong. When I sung the songs they were from my heart because they were feelings that I've felt before, but as far as them coming from my mouth directly it wasn't me who produced them.

"Sounds beautiful,"I hear.

"Thanks,"I said looking to see my baby,"Ashton I missed you."

"I missed you too Demi,"he laughed hugging me.

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