Chapter 6.

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"You can come in now,"I said holding the door for him. I still haven't learned his name.

"Thank you Ms.,"he said following me towards the downstairs bathroom.

"No problem, no um problem at all,"I said,"Come here sit here on the toilet, I have a ummm first aid kit somewhere I could get you cleaned up."

I searched all through my drawers and finally found it in the back of my cabinet under the sink. I took it out and opened it grabbing the alcohol pads and bandages.

"Let me see your arm,"I said watching as he lifted his sleeve. He had a scratch there.

I placed the pad on the scratch apologizing at the same time because I knew it stung him a bit. Then I placed a bandage on it to stop the bleeding. I did the same for his lip.

"Thank you again,"he said.

"You're welcome,"I said,"You can take a shower upstairs if you'd like, I know it's kind of hard for you I mean I don't know exactly obviously but what I do know is that you know being in your condition that you know maybeeee not saying that you're a a a dirty person per say because of course I don't know what you do or how you get by on a daily basis and I don't want to offend you in any kind of way I'm just I just umm okay how can I say this without being mean....I think I should just shut up because I'm blabbing a little bit too much right now."

"It's fine, I'm not offended at all I'm very grateful right now,"he laughed.

"I'm sorry, I feel so embarrassed right now,"I laughed with him.

"It's okay, can you just show me the bathroom?"he asked.

"Of course follow me,"I said grabbing the bag that contained a lot of men's clothing I sent someone to buy at the store on the way here.

We walked up the stairs and into the hall bathroom right across from the guest room.

"Okay here is some pajamas and fresh underwear as well as a toothbrush, a towel, and a razor if you need it for any reason,"I said,"There's some soap on the rack and I will go set up the guest room for you soo enjoy your shower."

"I will thanks,"he said closing the door behind me as I walked out.

I went straight into the guest room and started cleaning up a bit. I fluffed all the pillows and made sure the bed was soft enough because it hasn't been used yet. I took the bag with the clothes and placed them in the drawers then I turned the TV on in case he wanted to catch up on the entrainment world. I decided that I'll go downstairs and fix him a quick snack since he probably hasn't ate. I made him a ham sandwich with chips on the side and a dill pickle. Then I fixed him a cup of water and placed everything on a tray to bring it upstairs. As soon as I made it to the room and sat the tray on the night stand, I heard the door open.

"I'm finished,"he spoke causing me to turn around.

"Wow that was a very qui...."I said in mid sentence just looking at him,"Shower."

"Umm I'm sorry but the pants didn't quite fit me,"he explained to why he was standing there in front of me half naked. He cleans up real nice.

"It's fine, I mean It's not like anyone's watching,"I said obviously staring at his body,"I'm not looking."

"You probably don't want me walking around the house like this,"he said.

"No I don't you're right about that,"I said mainly talking upon my behalf.

He's kind of yummy...I didn't expect that. Whew!

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