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I strip down and then wax off all the hair on my body that I don't want.

Then I shower with hot water for a few minutes to open my pores up and step back out.

I rub a green face pack onto my face and then massage my body with a scented oil.

Then I pull on my bath robe and head out into the room which I'm assuming is now mine.

With nothing to do since I can't find the remote to the tv, I decide to explore my 'room' which is basically a big ass apartment like back at the warehouse.

There's a kitchen that's so big it's like I'm meant to spend my life in there.

I check the cupboards and oh so surprisingly, they're all empty, expect for all the cutlery.

Next to the bathroom is a small laundry, on the other side of the bathroom is a WIR.

The room itself isn't a lot different to the one back at the warehouse, it still has the foldout couch opposite a coffee table but there's only one king sized bed with a tv on the wall in front of it.

I'm still so confused as to why they give us so much luxury, I get that they want us to look good for them but like... still?

I check my phone and I still have to leave my pack on for twenty minutes.

Because my nails had already been manicured a day ago and have acrylics on them, I decide to just drink wine.

I unzip my suitcase and pull out a bottle of wine and head to the kitchen for a wine glass.

Then I see a dirty towel on the bench top and I pick it up to go put it into the washing machine since I don't have a basket yet.

I pull open the washing machine and see a weird black thing in there which I first think is a bar of soap or something but then realize is the tv remote.

I roll my eyes and pull it out, shoving the towel in and shutting the door.

I head back to the kitchen, pour myself some wine and then head to the living room with the bottle.


I pick up my glass and take a sip of the wine, my eyes still glued to the screen that had the deep blue sea playing.

The door to my room swings open just as a jump scare happens in the movie and someone gets dragged into the water.

I gasp and jump slightly, spilling the red wine over my white robe.

I glare at Blake and put my glass down.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" I ask.

"Not in your own house, no." He replies.

"I could've been masturbating!" I protest.

"Your nails are a bit too long for that." Blake points out.

I look down at my acrylics and shrug.

"With a dildo?" I try stupidly.

"Nice try. What the hell did you do to your face?" He asks.

"It's a mask." I roll my eyes.

"So I don't recognise you? I already have."

"No, idiot. It's to you know, clean my face and all." I explain.

"I hope you know it's not gonna clean your dirty ass mouth that's had uncountable dicks down it."

"Uncountable dicks down it? True. Why? Because of you." I glare at him.

He doesn't reply and stares at me.

"Why are you here?" I sigh and ask.

"I came to tell you to meet me downstairs for dinner tonight at uh, 7," He glances at the clock and tells me.

"And after that, we're going shopping." He adds.

"Why? I already have everything." I frown,

"You don't have groceries. And you know what else you don't have?" He asks.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"You don't have undergarments sexy enough," he stares into my eyes.

"If you think I'm going to sleep with you if you're wearing a bra and panties that are just red lace, you're kidding yourself."

"Why does it matter what I wear if you're just going to take it off me anyway?" I huff.

"Because I like it the sexy way." He grins at me before walking out.

I won't be sleeping with you until I absolutely need to, you fucking dick.

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