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When I wake up, my head is throbbing away and my wrists are sore.

I try to move my arms to rub my wrists but then I realize that that they're tied up above my head to the back of a bed.

I gasp and panic floods me straight away.

I look above me and pull roughly at the rope binding my wrists together.

No use.

I pull again, harder.

The bed squeaks with my movements but the rope still doesn't budge.

"Fuck! Fuck!" I groan loudly.

Before I know it, I'm gasping for air, panicking worse than I ever have.

I feel tears run freely down my cheeks and my hair stick to my sweaty face.

"You fucking bastard, where are you?" I call out.

I'm answered with an empty silence.

"Fuck!" I yell angrily.

"Fucking fuck I'm so fucking stupid." I mutter to myself, aggressively pulling at the bedhead.

I tug hopelessly at the rope binding my wrists together but fail miserably.

"I see you're awake." I hear a familiar voice sneer at me from the doorway.

I look down at the doorway to see Jack and that's when I see realise that all I'm wearing is a shirt that ends mid thigh.

"Not so feisty now, huh?" He whispers, walking towards me slowly.

I feel like a rat that a cat's about to jump on and kill.

"What do you want?" I snap.

I feel a slap sting across my face.

"Never talk to me like that, you spoiled bitch." He spits angrily.

"Why am I here?" I whimper, a sniffle escaping me.

"You'll find out." He smirks before walking out.

"Fuck you!" I yell to him.

"You will, soon!" Jack calls back. "I hope you burn in hell!" He adds.

"You'll be there to watch me burn, cunt." I laugh back emotionlessly.

I let out a frustrated sigh and wiggle around as much as I can to get comfortable.

There's an itch on my nose and I want to scratch it but since my hands are tied, I can't.

I fall asleep thinking of my family and how someone must be out looking for me.


"Do you think we should tell her?" I hear a female voice ask someone in a hushed tone.

"Yes, she's gotta know, Camilla. You were grateful that I told you when you first arrived, weren't you?" Another female voice replies.

I kept my eyes shut, and listen to their conversation.

They think I'm still sleeping.

"What's her name?" The first girl, Camilla asks.

"I think it's Cadence." The second girl replies.

"That's such a pretty name." Camilla replies.

"Shut up, I think she's waking up." The second girl hushes Camilla.

I curse myself for moving my wrists.

If only I could hear more.

I slowly blink my eyes open, as if I wasn't eavesdropping on their conversation just seconds ago.

I let my eyes adjust to the brightness of the light before I look at the two girls that were talking.

I'm met with the faces of two extremely pretty girls.

One of them has long, dark brown hair and nose piercings on both sides of her nose, one a stud and the other a ring. Her face is completely free of make up yet she still remains stunning.

Her blue eyes and dark hair combination make her look intimidating but I can't judge her just yet.

The other has black hair that's tied into a side fishtail braid.

She has a lip piercing and dark red lipstick on with flawless eye and skin make up.

They both smile brightly at me and I muster up a weak smile back.

"I'm Camilla." The one with nose piercings nods at me.

"I'm Lilly." The black haired one says.

"I'm Cadence." I croak out weakly.

"Told you so." Lilly rolls her eyes at Camilla.

"Want us to untie you?" Camilla asks kindly.

I nod back.

She unites my wrists from the bed head and I sigh when I feel the rub of the rope leave my skin.

"Thank you." I smile at her.

"I want to know where I am though." I say to both of them.

"And why I'm here." I add.

They both glance at each other  before turning back to me and nodding.

"We'll tell you then." Camilla replies.

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