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We walk out of the plain room I was kept in and are met with the smell of roses.

I can hear faint music coming from somewhere but I ignore it.

"The music is coming from the club, they have one a few corridors down." Lilly explains to me, as if reading my mind.

I nod back.

We walk through dark hallways, passing by lots of girls that only have clothes on in the important areas.

I receive glares from a few of them and hear one of them say 'new bitch.' under her breath.

"You gotta stop talking about yourself all the time, Carrie." Camilla smiles fakely at the girl.

"We're here." Lilly announces as we reach a long corridor.

"We are?" I ask, confusion lacing my voice as I look down the hallway.

"Yes. This is where all the rooms are, see." Lilly gestures to the numbers on doors.

"There's a spare room next to my one." Camilla offers.

"I'll take it then." I grin at her.

"Great, we'll show you there." Lilly smiles, leading us down the endless hallway.

"Camilla and I's room's are opposite each others and since yours is next to Camilla's, we're living hella close." Lilly says.

"I'm grateful." I nod.

"Okay we're here for real." Lilly announces.

We've stopped outside room number 250.

"Go ahead, open it." Camilla tells me.

I reach for the doorknob and twist it.

I push the door open and step in, looking at my new room.

My jaw drops as I take everything in.

There's 2 king sized beds in the center of the room which would be a single massive bed big enough to fit a shark if pushed together.

In front of both the beds are two tv's on the wall.

On the right side is a study table with a MacBook and iPhone 6splus box on top of it.

Next to the table is a kitchen, stocked up.

On the left is a foldout couch, folded out.

And behind the couch is a door leading to a walk in wardrobe.

Next to that door is a bathroom and toilet.

What the fuck am I going to do with all this? I just want to go back home.

But I'm not complaining about the free iPhone and MacBook.

I'll remember to take those with me when I escape.

"Wow." I breathe out finally.

"I know." Lilly nods in agreement.

I head to the wardrobe and frown when I realize it's empty.

A large portion of it is stocked with every good brand of make up.

Easily worth $5000.

They couldn't afford to buy me clothes?

"Why are there no fucking clothes here? Am I supposed to walk around naked and let them examine me so they can make sure I don't have warts or something down there or that my pussy doesn't smell like a seafood market?" I ask.

Camilla chews her lip and looks at Lilly.

Lilly nods at her once, signaling her to continue.

"You need to ask one of them for clothes. They'll buy them for you, but they'll ask for sugar in return." Camilla explains.

"Sugar? Can't they just buy it themselves?" I scrunch my face up.

"Sugar meaning the sugar in sugar daddy, sex in simpler words, Cadence." Lilly cuts in.

My eyes widen and I choke on my saliva, coughing madly as I try to control myself.

"What the fuck why? They can give us everything but clothes?" I ask.

"No, really. What you have right now is what everyone starts off with. But eventually, you're going to run out of everything. Including food, Cady." Camilla answers me.

"So I have to ask them and they'll get me anything as long as I give them sex?" I slowly reply after a while.

They nod back cautiously.

"But for now, you can wear some of my clothes like pajamas and bras. I have underwear that's new and I haven't worn it yet, I promise. But eventually, you'll have to... you know. It's not that I don't want to help, I do. But you'll have to do it eventually, Cady. Everyone does. It's the only way you'll live, you have to ask for everything." Lilly says.

I nod tearfully and wipe under my eyes.

"I'll start right away then, I need clothes of my own. But the next time I do it, it'll be when I'm on the verge of going foodless." I sigh.

"You do that." Camilla and Lilly say to me.

"We'll leave you to get settled, Cady. I'll bring you your clothes soon." Lilly smiles at me before walking out with Camilla.

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